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Empire like the United States?


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Not in principle, of course. However, Tarkin quotes are frighteningly like general ideas in the US.


Tarkin: Fear will keep the local systems in line. Fear of this battle station.


US: Nuclear weapons help promote the peace!


Tarkin: I think you overestimate their chances.[loses fight]


US: We'll stop those communists in Vietnam![loses war]


Anyone else think they are more alike than is comfortable?

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they are both powerful but not the same, the empire just destroys planets to make somebody give up info, the us just uses its power when it sees fit

How is that different? :)

In the first part of your comment you basically say that the Empire uses it's power when it sees fit. :)

Just pointing out that that was a rather vague comment. :D


Don't get me wrong, I don't think they are one and the same either. :)

There are similarities. But that can be said about many nations though. ;)

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Originally posted by ZBomber

This isn't a good idea. A flame war will start soon enough... =S


that's why i'm watching this thread like a Raven... play nice children ^^


My opinion is that the US doesn't have any similarities (or not enough) to make them anything like the Empire. The Empire IMO was created from the histories of many different old empires, may it be the Roman and/or the Nazi's and/or more, who knows. I'm tired, i want lunch... *walks out grumbling*


...remember.... i'm watching

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Bush is an arrogant cowboy and uses intimidation to get what he wants but hes not evil. The US is similar to the Empire in that it bullies others around and thinks that its always right. Now sometimes its nessesary to step in and make a point to a war torn country like Liberia for instance. Thats where the US and Empire differ, the Empire would just invade a world and kill anyone who dissagreed.

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I have a feeling that when George Lucas created the Galactic Empire, he invisioned how the world will be in later years. Completely corrupt, brainwashing the people and having a huge army/navy that spans across the galaxy. Although I don't think the U.S. is currently like that, it may end up that way (I think the whole world is very screwed up right now). Bush isn't attacking countries for no reason, Saddam is a very vile, evil, person who really doesn't deserve to live on this earth and has brainwashed his people into hating the rest of the world.


I disagree about how the U.S. gets involved in everyone else's business, but why are we talking politics with a bunch of teenagers and young adults?

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I disagree with this post.


I'm not sure if anyone posted this yet, but here is what the Galactic Empire is exactly like:


Roman Empire + Third Reich of Germany.


Rome was a republic in BC era.

The Roman republic was ruled by the Roman Republican Senate. (and I don't mean GOP. Let's keep is civilized please)

A time of war came, and Julius Caesar was elected to be a "chancelor" to Rome. He turned his Chancelorship into an Empire. After that it was an Empire until Rome's fall just before the Middle Ages.


Germany was a republic with ever increasing borders. A time of war came, and the armies of Germany lost. Through a time of economic hardship, they elected a chancelor....Adolph Hitler.


Other elements that Lucas borrowed:

*Hitler's SS had storm troopers.

*The Nazis are racist and bigoted, just like the Empire.

*In Rome there is a hill called the "Palatine." Sounds an aweful lot like Palpatine.



Reasons why The Empire is nothing like the USA:

*despite what many non-americans think, the USA is not an empire. The last time we expanded our borders was when we added Hawaii as a state in the 50s. Since then we have actually reduced our borders (granting independence to the Phillipines for example).

*We are a Democratic Republic with all the checks and balances. We have a Tri-branch government which prevents us from becoming a dictatorship. We also have the US Constitution which is the ultimate law of the land. If laws are established, and are then reckoned unconstitutional, then such laws are abolished.

*Vietnam was similar only to the situation in Endor. (George Lucas, From Star Wars To Jedi Even then the comparison is highly flawed. The Soviet Union and China had plans to spread Communism to all corners of the world. This is evident in how many nations converted. (North Korea, Cambodia, Vietnam, China, Mongolia, Romania, Chech, Poland, Belarus, etc...) The Ewoks were not embracing a new governmental system. They were cavemen-like teddy bears that didn't understand technology. All in all, it is not a very good analogy.

*If Star Wars were like USA vs. Vietnam, then SW would need a second empire teamed with Ewoks vs. Galactic Empire. The rebel alliance doesn't count because the Galactic Empire was SO MUCH bigger.

*The USSR was more like the Galactic Empire in that they were constantly spreading their borders and the system of Communism (which was a threat to Democracy). If you want to make a better comparison, then Battle of Endor is more like USSR vs. Afghanaistan.

*Bush is not a dictator. while this is not relevant to the thread, I feel that it must be mentioned. Bush was elected under the democratic system I mentioned above. There are checks and balances. The US Constitution declares that Presidents shall only serve 2 terms maximum. There is nothing that any politician in the executive branch can do to change this, no matter how hard they try. At the same time, I am a believer that WMD did exist in Iraq. Where is it now? Most likely not in Iraq, but probably moved to Jordan or Syria.

*The United States AND British forces invaded Iraq: a country led by a cruel and murderous dictator. He and his staff were guilty of murdering thousands of Kurds <sp?> and Kuwaitis. If anything, the USA and Britain were the Rebel Alliance freeing the Ewoks (Iraqis) from the reign of the evil Empire (Saddam).

*In the Galactic Empire, how many women are officers? (in the EU Admiral Daala was, so there's one) How many non-white people are Officers? (I don't recall any non-white imperial humans ever.) How many non-human officers are in the Empire? (Grand Admiral Thrawn was a Chiss, so there is one.) The Galactic Empire is bigoted and prejudiced. The United States is not this way. Yes there is prejudism among the people, but the law of the land prevents the government from it. "All men (and women!!) are created equal." In this, the Empire and USA have absolutely no similarities at all. The Empire's new order is nothing like United States' Constitutional practices. We have minories in governing positions. We have women Senators, Representatives, and Governors. We have not had any women Presidents yet, but there is no law preventing it.

*Finally, in the Empire if you spoke against the government, you would be arrested and executed. In the USA, people speak out against the government all the time. It's called the first amendment. I hated the Clinton years, and I was more than happy to share my view with others. Some of you hate Bush? God bless you for your opinion, and for the freedom to share it. Again, completely different than the Empire.


The result? The USA has very little in common with the Empire.


Proudly American,


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Don't want to get into a political discussion but couldn't hold it :D


*We are a Democratic Republic with all the checks and balances. We have a Tri-branch government which prevents us from becoming a dictatorship. We also have the US Constitution which is the ultimate law of the land. If laws are established, and are then reckoned unconstitutional, then such laws are abolished.




a great democratic country.


I mean, every person can surely say their opinion. Look at the people who oposed to the war. They were not neglegted because they had another opinion, no they were totally listened too and had great dialogues with the "i am with bush" people...


Oh and let's not forget how good usa had been to people who thought differently and believed in communist, They didn't jailed them, neither have they ended their career. There wasn't a black list no....absolutely no...Macarthy was totally democratic...


and let's not forget of the good south(and north)...black people are the same as white...there is absolutely no difference...no difference at all...Racism...what is that. USA don't know that....


And let's not forget the ultimate democratic way of beginning a war by ONE man. Totally democratic. Especially if that man is an idiot then he surely is making the war for all the country, for all the millions people...




oh and :

Bush was elected under the democratic system I mentioned above. There are checks and balances.


sure, the election wasn't a rullette...they didn't numbered the votes over a dozen times NO, it was totally democratic...there wasn't a great fuss of how(?) the florida votes where numbered...nonono the election was clearly democratic...the people choosed their leader :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by jedispy

Reasons why The Empire is nothing like the USA:

*despite what many non-americans think, the USA is not an empire. The last time we expanded our borders was when we added Hawaii as a state in the 50s. Since then we have actually reduced our borders (granting independence to the Phillipines for example).

*We are a Democratic Republic with all the checks and balances. We have a Tri-branch government which prevents us from becoming a dictatorship. We also have the US Constitution which is the ultimate law of the land. If laws are established, and are then reckoned unconstitutional, then such laws are abolished.

*Vietnam was similar only to the situation in Endor. (George Lucas, From Star Wars To Jedi Even then the comparison is highly flawed. The Soviet Union and China had plans to spread Communism to all corners of the world. This is evident in how many nations converted. (North Korea, Cambodia, Vietnam, China, Mongolia, Romania, Chech, Poland, Belarus, etc...) The Ewoks were not embracing a new governmental system. They were cavemen-like teddy bears that didn't understand technology. All in all, it is not a very good analogy.

*If Star Wars were like USA vs. Vietnam, then SW would need a second empire teamed with Ewoks vs. Galactic Empire. The rebel alliance doesn't count because the Galactic Empire was SO MUCH bigger.

*The USSR was more like the Galactic Empire in that they were constantly spreading their borders and the system of Communism (which was a threat to Democracy). If you want to make a better comparison, then Battle of Endor is more like USSR vs. Afghanaistan.

*Bush is not a dictator. while this is not relevant to the thread, I feel that it must be mentioned. Bush was elected under the democratic system I mentioned above. There are checks and balances. The US Constitution declares that Presidents shall only serve 2 terms maximum. There is nothing that any politician in the executive branch can do to change this, no matter how hard they try. At the same time, I am a believer that WMD did exist in Iraq. Where is it now? Most likely not in Iraq, but probably moved to Jordan or Syria.

*The United States AND British forces invaded Iraq: a country led by a cruel and murderous dictator. He and his staff were guilty of murdering thousands of Kurds <sp?> and Kuwaitis. If anything, the USA and Britain were the Rebel Alliance freeing the Ewoks (Iraqis) from the reign of the evil Empire (Saddam).

*In the Galactic Empire, how many women are officers? (in the EU Admiral Daala was, so there's one) How many non-white people are Officers? (I don't recall any non-white imperial humans ever.) How many non-human officers are in the Empire? (Grand Admiral Thrawn was a Chiss, so there is one.) The Galactic Empire is bigoted and prejudiced. The United States is not this way. Yes there is prejudism among the people, but the law of the land prevents the government from it. "All men (and women!!) are created equal." In this, the Empire and USA have absolutely no similarities at all. The Empire's new order is nothing like United States' Constitutional practices. We have minories in governing positions. We have women Senators, Representatives, and Governors. We have not had any women Presidents yet, but there is no law preventing it.

*Finally, in the Empire if you spoke against the government, you would be arrested and executed. In the USA, people speak out against the government all the time. It's called the first amendment. I hated the Clinton years, and I was more than happy to share my view with others. Some of you hate Bush? God bless you for your opinion, and for the freedom to share it. Again, completely different than the Empire.


The result? The USA has very little in common with the Empire.


Proudly American,

Jedispy [/b]

*I 'll like your reply and it true alot Non-American think we are empire which true we are not if we were we would take over the world a long time ago or tried to.

*Your point on law are almost perfect but law could easy be broken with little ease.Anyone could break a law and people here in the US do it all the time.Trust i have done it a couple of time(But i wont tell anyone here)

*One the third point your totally right there talk teddy bears come on where do some people come up with an analogy like that?

*am skipping the next two to qoute on the Bush thing.You got no prove still,but that has nothing to to do with the topic.Well Bush cant be a dictator even if he wanted to he does have what it take to be a dictator.He a foolish man and would rush into everything anyway(O crap off topic i stop now)

*I hate this.Come no way that so not true look at the Iraqis there still killing US soldiers.U dont see those little teddy bear killing each other because one of them friendly with Rebel Alliance so that flaw answer.Plus Saddam got to be a Ewok as well


I agree with the last two thing you posted

I just want to post what i think.

Dont bother me about it.

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Has much as the intentions are honorable, I think the main reason for "freeing Iraq" is the oil. The main reason for helping Kuwait was oil. The US doesn't seem to care a lot about countries with no oil or any useful ressources. Of course you would ask "There's the WMD and the freeing of people". Then hmmm...go free the following countries out of tyranny and oppression: Tibet, Cuba, Iran, etc. The list goes on and on...

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You are sadly mistaken, lukeiamyourdad. The US is not extracting any oil for their own use. You must have been brainwashed by those anti-america people. The US is using the money from the oil to help the Iraqis. And I don't think the US would spend billions and billions and billions of dollars just to get the US soldiers killed and murder Iraqis just for the oil.

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I think this topic would get some interesting replies if it was posted in the "Senate". However ever it is not. I was just wondering isnt this a little off topic?


Yes the US does have Similarities with the Galactic Republic/ Galactic Empire. However I wont debating this topic as I feel its not the place to do so.

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Lynk Former said:


The Empire IMO was created from the histories of many different old empires


I can see from most of this that there's a lot of evidence to back this up, but IMHO I think Lucas borrowed a bit from Tolkein. For example, as I said in my post in "Some things I never got about SW but are fun to wonder about... " Endor is Elvish for "Earth" or "The world".

You can follow the same basic plot elements...... Get R2 (The ring) to Alderaan(mount doom). You'll have Obi Wan(Gandalf) to help you. On the way you'll meet Han(Aragorn) and Chewie(Gimli) etc.

Lost in the Death Star (Mines of Moria), Ben(Gandalf) dies to save you from Darth Vader(in this case a Balrog).

There is an overwhelmingly powerful evil, the emperor (Sauron) and if Luke(Frodo) turns to the dark side(succumbs to the ring), he will fail.

One of the companions, Han(this time Boromir) turns his back on his friends(tries to take the ring from Frodo) but comes back to shoot Vader off Luke's back(try and save Merry and Pippen)

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