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I didnt noticed!!!!

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Lynk, it's obvious you're a bit bent out of shape that i didnt' use it.


If you really want a new banner, design a brand new one. Use a whole new color scheme. make it bigger if you like. design the buttons as well and come up with a color scheme for the forums. Just make it the best damn banner that you can possibly make. I reserve the right to tell you to go back and make it better.


I'll tell you what I like and don't like:


i dont' like i a lot of different colors. and i prefer them more neutral or dark. certain blues are ok, but not bright like the XWA forums. colors like the new JK forums are cool by me if you want to take a lighter approach, but i'm content to stay with the dark scheme.

I like simple, but complex. I don't need ships and effects zooming across every inch of the banner. This is why i like the current one. It is simple, yet complex in its own rite.

i'm very particular about my fonts. i don't like crazy colors and effects.



I recommend that you come up with an entire page so we can see a whole forum design top to bottom. Once I approve it, i will take it to the other admins who do the site design and ask them to code it up for us.




just remember, i want the whole enchilada. I want you to feel free to express yourself, while remembering what i'm looking for. don't limit yourself to the structure we have now. put the buttons where you want them, make the banner any shape or size you want (just leave room for the ad banners) and make the forum colors what you think they should be. Be creative, but realistic. I'm obviously not going to approve any really bright and annoying colors.


I promise that if you come up with a really super kickass design, i will do everything in my power to get it used, and who knows, maybe even make you a mod of these forums (if it is REALLY REALLY kickass).

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if im allowed to speak Ikey, i agree with you about the colors, the ones of XWa well they damaged my eyes :p



i want the whole enchilada


you mean the mexican food?¨:confused:

here in mexico enchilada is a food with a tortilla with cheese and onion ;)


or enchilada could mean: chingonada!!! ("kick ass" something like that ;))

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For the honour of LYNKdesigns, I'll make the most kick ass design you've ever seen.




oh but one thing, since from reading the mission briefing you have pretty particular tastes, howbout we also post a thread when i'm done and let the people vote on i dunno, three different designs to choose from or something.

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the input of others may influence me, but the final decision will be mine. i still reserve the right to suggest changes.


if you're going to make a couple of designs, make sure they are all kickass. don't spread the kickassness among the three, make them all equally total kickass.

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Originally posted by Ikhnaton

most of it, yes. living in southern cal, i get to eat it a lot.


Ike speaks the truth. ;)


Hm...the fate of our forum colors in Lynk's hands...we'd better run :D




Seriously, if I could make color scheme recommendations...keep away from blues and silvers, they're cliched (also goes for beige). Aresen's always leaned further towards black, gray, and gray-greens to bluish greens (i.e. teal, pine). Would be nice if something of those were kept in. ^_~

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Oh, wow... :eek: Ike relented!


:D (Good. A *revolution* against Ike would be short-lived, anyway.)


Lynk, I know you'll do a kick ass job. I can't wait to see what you come up with. Weasel in the cockpit? Rabbit on the ground? ;) Hmm...


I like Mexican food, but I'm not particular toward enchiladas. Give me giant burritoes, smothered in green chili sauce. And no smoking within fifty feet.

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Originally posted by Zoom Rabbit

Lynk, I know you'll do a kick ass job. I can't wait to see what you come up with. Weasel in the cockpit? Rabbit on the ground? ;) Hmm...


lol no there shall be no weasels or rabbits... it'll be the pure rogue spirit... :D i've almost finished the first design too... just doing some final touches.



edit: ehehehe ^^;; @ the post title

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