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BlackOut: Yall all right?

Rebel Loyaltist

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Originally posted by edlib

EDIT: Oh, yeah. Now I see. It was on CNN as soon as I turned it on. Hmmm... guess we lucked out.


We lucked out alright, but that's b/c Boston's power comes from the nuke plant in Plymouth (I think) (my dad, BTW, used to be a maintenance worker (welder) there). If we lived 100 miles or so to the west, it would've been big trouble.

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Yeah I also hope you are alright, I know when we had a blackout a few months back (during the winter I think) how bad it was... I mean I couldn't get on the computer, I started shaking and almost fitted :D



And for the Americans here I emphaise this is a joke :)


(well you wanted in your face humour)

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Power died in Ottawa at about 4:15 Thursday afternoon. I was happily sitting on my couch, reading (and waiting for Armada to come on), while downloading an AMV. My lamp flickered once, and I thought it was just about to burn out. Then everything died with a loud crackle, and I unplugged the computer completely to avert any possibility of a catastrophic surge.


I thought it was just a local thing until suppertime, when I walked as far as Rideau Centre in search of food. Elgin street was packed with hungry people, so I came back and had a bowl of cereal. Then I turned on the (battery-powered) radio to acertain the full extent of the crisis.


Power came back on sometime during the night (I was asleep when it must've happened), and then died again at noon on Friday. It was only later that the radio guy mentioned the rolling blackouts and the conservation measures.


Power came back late Friday afternoon and stayed long enough for me to get a load of laundry done before conking out again. Power came back later that night (and I cooked dinner), and has been on since.


Sometime during all this, Cyberus either shut down for power-rationing or just lost a server and couldn't replace it since the Cyberus offices are typically abandoned on weekends anyway. I just got internet access back last evening.


Fortunately, once the blackouts seemed over I was able to get quite a bit of writing done. Equally fortunately, I had just backed up all my files a few days previously.


BTW Nute, cool avatar. :thumbsup:

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