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Multiplayer: Etiquette- Sabers Down Crap


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This whole etiquette thing is with "Sabers down= Don't Attack" is ridiculous. I'm especially addressing this in the Free For All matches. A free for all is exactly what it sounds like- every man for himself; fight or die trying.


In of the last Free For All matches I played, nearly everyone I came across had there sabers down. So I run around looking for a victim.


In one map, there is a certain place I like to hide. Naturally, I have to have my saber down so that I can't be spotted so easily. When a victim runs by, I hit the switch- "zap!"- they're toast.


I watch people running around and around with their sabers down. Many times to turn my back to them and be attacked.


This whole "Sabers Down=Don't Attack" thing is just plain stupid. You may say- don't play on a server that has this rule, but the fact is I join a game with a good ping where I will have a smooth connection. I also like games with a lot of players.


Another pet peeve of mine is when there are two players fighting. I'll run right over and join in. Some don't like this though "Hey! We were fighting," they'll say. Isn't that what the "Challenge to Duel" is for? If you want to fight one other person, then duel with them.


In protest, I will attack anyone with there saber down[period]. Hosts can kick me if they wish, but I am tired of it. Host a LAN game with your buddies and run around like idiots with your sabers down.


Look for me, JediJack*ss[edited]. If your saber is down, you butt is mine!

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Go after the ones with sabers down first.


The players that don't seem bothered by your attacks should be left alone. They generally are the people with a sense of humor and should not be the targets of your harassment.


However, any one that calls you a "lamer" after being killed, stick on him/her for the entire map until he/she disconnects out of frustration.


Follow them all over the map and just kick them, saber them, grip them and chunk them off ledges, do what ever you can do to harass and annoy them.


Bind a key to kill as well.


\bind J kill



Run out of force or are about to die?


Press that key, deny them of a kill and continue the harassment.


Don't worry about your score, sure /kill takes a point off but in a 20 man server with 19 people sitting Indian style do you really think getting a high score is going to accomplish anything?


Try using mind trick on force servers as well.


Most of these people like to stand on the roofs/high places on maps and taunt each other with their REBORN/BOSS models for hours on end.


Go up there mind tricked and just start kicking them off of what ever structure they are occupying.


It is quite funny to see them come back, get kicked off, come back; get kicked off over and over and over...




Once on the "other roof"










Make your way to the new noob congregation spot and continue kicking them off until they get frustrated and run out of roofs to taunt on.

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I think I found a good "pattern" to use.

This is it:



On Saber only servers: SABER DOWN=NO ATTACK






^I usually do like this, I mean, on gun servers, someone could say: NO SABER=NO ATTACK, but what if you don't have a saber, and have a gun instead?:doh: And what if you play jedi vs. merc? That's why I don't think the "saber down"- rule can be used on gun servers.



So, I think my "rules" are quite good.:comp9:

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Originally posted by FK | unnamed

Go after the ones with sabers down first.


The players that don't seem bothered by your attacks should be left alone. They generally are the people with a sense of humor and should not be the targets of your harassment.


However, any one that calls you a "lamer" after being killed, stick on him/her for the entire map until he/she disconnects out of frustration.


Follow them all over the map and just kick them, saber them, grip them and chunk them off ledges, do what ever you can do to harass and annoy them.


Bind a key to kill as well.


\bind J kill



Run out of force or are about to die?


Press that key, deny them of a kill and continue the harassment.


Don't worry about your score, sure /kill takes a point off but in a 20 man server with 19 people sitting Indian style do you really think getting a high score is going to accomplish anything?


Try using mind trick on force servers as well.


Most of these people like to stand on the roofs/high places on maps and taunt each other with their REBORN/BOSS models for hours on end.


Go up there mind tricked and just start kicking them off of what ever structure they are occupying.


It is quite funny to see them come back, get kicked off, come back; get kicked off over and over and over...




Once on the "other roof"










Make your way to the new noob congregation spot and continue kicking them off until they get frustrated and run out of roofs to taunt on.


we will teach these and more techniques at the lm3r academy when its up.


uj u willing to teach? ;)

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It's also quite funny that the saber down grip-kicking dude is 10 times more dangerous than the guy swinging his glowstick.


I mean honestly - the saber is not a weapon, it's a decoration. It has nothing to do with fighting anyway, so let's just forget about the silly saber down-rule.


BTW - when admins come after you (because you did something wrong), how many of them are saber down while they "teach you a lesson" using empowerment+grip? I'd say 90%. Strang-....eh, I mean: hypocritical, yes? :rolleyes:

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LOL there was this one time where this guy went around shooting people and after he gets killed he'd say "SABER DOWN = PEACE MORON!". Then we're all like "That only applies if you have an actual saber in your hand!". Haha that guy cracked me up.


Also... I went on to this server and I see almost everyone in spectator mode and only two guys fighting. So I walk right in there, grab a sniper, and snipe someone, then they suddenly erupt at me. "_LEVIATHAN_ GET TO SPECTATING MODE YOU ******* LAMER!!!!! WE'RE DUELING!!!!!!!". Man... That was sooo annoying... I mean isn't that what the "Duel" mode is for?

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Originally posted by Shotokan

LOL there was this one time where this guy went around shooting people and after he gets killed he'd say "SABER DOWN = PEACE MORON!". Then we're all like "That only applies if you have an actual saber in your hand!". Haha that guy cracked me up.



that was probably me :cool:

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Originally posted by Luc Solar

It's also quite funny that the saber down grip-kicking dude is 10 times more dangerous than the guy swinging his glowstick.


I mean honestly - the saber is not a weapon, it's a decoration. It has nothing to do with fighting anyway, so let's just forget about the silly saber down-rule.


BTW - when admins come after you (because you did something wrong), how many of them are saber down while they "teach you a lesson" using empowerment+grip? I'd say 90%. Strang-....eh, I mean: hypocritical, yes? :rolleyes:


When the empowerment noobists come after you with grip, if they try to pull you close and grip kick you, saber the s*** out of them before they even get the chance. I pulled that off in Home of the kai rather well :)

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ah I liked the Jedi Knight days just for this, you couldn't turn the saber off so there was an agreement that fists meant peace. Besides with fists you can't do much anyway. So if someone had something urgent in real life to attend to he'd find a quiet corner of the map, switch to fists and let his character remain there. And most of the time he'd find his character still alive as well. At least in the games I participated in that was the case.

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On a future server somewhere...


[player with skin of Uncle Owen]: And you, I suppose you're designed for ettiquette and protocol?


[player with skin of C3PO]: Why it's my primary function! I am fluent in over six million forms of honor and bowing!


[Owen]: I have no need for a Roleplayer... What I really need is someone who understands the binary language of butt kicking.


[Threepio]: Sir, my last job was as a n00b on a JK2 FFA server. Very similar to your "butt kicking" in most respects.


[Owen]: One more thing, do you speak "elite"?


[Threepio]: 1337?! Why, it's like a second language to me! I---


[Owen]: Alright, shut up, you're in the clan...

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