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Screen capture

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You could always hit the PrtScn/SysRq button located above the Insert button on your keyboard. This copies the current screen to your clipboard.


Minimize or quit the game, open up an image program like paint or photoshop or whatever and hit paste (ctrl+v) and the whole screen is there! :)


Yes, a simple man's method, but it saves you the burden of unnecessary software. But if you're a frequent screen-taker, this method could be cumbersome, in which case, sorry, I do not know of any such screen capturing programs :(

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I capture Grim screens with Prints Screen button all the time, so it shouldn't be a problem. I also used to have a program which would both capture and save the image, but I can't remember what it's called right now, sorry..



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for directx and opengl you can use 'fraps'. This is a small program for gamers; it allows you to see your fps (so that you can brag about your fancy video card :p ), to record ingame movies (I think you have to pay for that in the latest version), and last but not least to take screenshots without any stamps. (And the fps is by default not displayed on the screenshots ;) )

I' ve tried it only once but it seems to work quite well. It doesn't work for normal, 2d stuff, though. (use prtscr for that)

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Originally posted by Moosferatu

Oh, yeah! Forgot about it.


You might notice that it is a graphics manipulation program and it's not at all optimised for windows (and can be a pain to get to install properly on windows). Go here if you want to have a look at it:




There are apparently some installers here:


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By the way, I've known for years that using print screen in a 3d game won't get you anywhere, but a couple of days ago I tried it in the XIII demo and Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory (just to show of my new videocard to some friends) and it worked just fine. So it's still worth a try.

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Originally posted by Moosferatu

I just tried out fraps. It works well, except for one thing. For some reason it displayes the frame rate on the in game screen captures, but it doesn't during the cutscenes. Very odd and unwanted.


Maybe you can try to play with some of the options. I only tried it ingame (in Quake II, still one of my favourite fps :) ), and I had no frame rate on the captured screens (there is an option for that, at least in my version).

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Originally posted by Bird

Maybe you can try to play with some of the options. I only tried it ingame (in Quake II, still one of my favourite fps :) ), and I had no frame rate on the captured screens (there is an option for that, at least in my version).


I'll mess around with it some more, but I am pretty sure that I had the same setting.

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