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Training in Jedi Academy(spoilers, if you haven't seen the new trailer)


Do you think JA should have a Training mode/mission?  

34 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think JA should have a Training mode/mission?

    • Hell yes!!!
    • No, a Jedi should not need training - DUH!!!
    • Who the @#$% cares, I just want to kill things with my lightsabre.
    • haha....peanut butter :D

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I was just wondering after seeing the new trailer. Where the rodain is deflecting blaster shots from a seeker droid. Does this mean there will be a training mode, where you learn how to use the force and your lightsabre. I thought this was a critical thing missing from JO, but of course if you'd have played JK/MoTS/or DF it was no big deal. I know that I was expecting it but still. What do you think???


P.S. I don't want to hear any comments "of course you idiot" , so just keep them to your self :cool:

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Actually, I already had an idea that could be used for gaining force powers.


Lets say you defeat a level, and gain force push level 1. Well, no matter how many more levels you did, you couldnt get level 2.


But if you went into the academy ( before confronting luke or whatever to choose a mission), and went into a "push" training room, and you kept using force push for a period of time or quantity, then you could get level 2.


That would encourage training.

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what youre suggesting Ob-Wan X sounds too much like an RPG for me, although i know plenty of JO players have...different opinions than i :rolleyes:. anyway, im unsure what youre talking about Troopr, because in JO you did get to test out/use the force on Yavin. granted, there wasnt much lightsaber training (simple throw and slash the lock). i dont think it will really matter too much, unless they put in training for use of the saber staff and dual sabers..that would be pretty cool. id like to fight some fellow jedi :p.

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Well, I just thought it would actually add realism to the game .




Your a new student....and training is going through dangerous missions? The heck?


I can picture it now...


Luke: Welcome to the Jedi Academy students, where you will learn to enhance your skills.


Jaden : How Master?


Luke: I'll be sending you through a variety of dangerous missions, where you will probably die.


Jaden: k..


Just doesn't seem quite realistic to me :rolleyes:

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True, but granted it's much more exciting than this approach...

Luke: Welcome to the Jedi Academy. You will train hard and learn many things.


Student: How?


Luke: First you must read over 50 books portaining to the Jedi Order and it's history.


Student: and then I can use a lightsaber?


Luke: No, then you'll learn the philosophy of the Jedi.


Student: THEN I'll be able to use a lightsaber.


Luke: Patience, young Padawan. Then you'll go through exercises that help strengthen your connection with the Force. THEN you'll get a lightsaber...


Student: Yipee!


Luke: ...But you'll have to spend years of training in order to learn how to use it.


Student: *Groan* Maybe I'll just have Master Kyle tell me where the Valley of the Jedi is...


Still, though, I can see what you mean by having to go back and train for a bit to learn new Force powers. It makes more sense than having them progress on their own as long as you have those Force powers.

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I said this before in another thread somewhere (but I'm too tired to dig up the link)...


I think it would be good if between at least some of the missions you could return to the Academy and basically go and do what you wanted, like talk to some of the other students, play Sabacc, and yes, practice the skills you have learned. A bit like the parts in Elite Force II where you returned to the Enterprise, could wander around, talk to people, listen to conversations about the current situation, and practice with new weapons as they became available.


So during these literal 'intermissions' you could go to the weapon range to try out a new weapon you picked up, or go to the training halls to practice new Force powers and lightsaber combat moves. That would indeed at least give you the 'feel' that you are training at the Academy in between those dangerous missions.


Having said that...I don't think your skills should 'improve' by conducting this training, because in a way it's simply open to abuse. The more you practiced, the higher you could develop your skills, and that might unbalance some of the gameplay during the missions.


Nor would I wish to be 'forced' to conduct training duels etc., if I didn't want to. I'd rather have it as an optional extra, than an integral part of Force/Saber progression.

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I agree with both of you. It's seems like the simple answer to this would be that your character already HAS been training for a good few years, thus making training optional in between missions.


Though from the trailer this doesn't seem to be the case. Luke certainly is being a bit contradictive as far as wielding a lightsaber and the like ^_^.


Ah well, I just want the option to train between missions, maybe press a button in a training room and have a single saber droid fall ( kind of like what was done in JO). I also hope the academy is expanded upon and or different. I'd be...."angered" if I saw the exact same map from JO


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Well maybe you didn't understand me (probably because of my ramblings :rolleyes: ). I was talking about after you create your character and make your lightsabre, and see the opening crawl, and watch and listen to the opening cutscene and then you finally get in game, and it's like a walk-through for your saber and force powers. But I see what you mean about the come back and train thing after the mission, but I can't help thinking it won't be in the game.


Sorry for the mix-up :)

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Well I think your character begins as a padawan already under trainning so it's only normal that you've already got through the basic trainning. Something like you've got trhough boot camp and are now trainning for the rangers.


So it's only normal you already posess the first levels of neutral powers.


Reflecting trainning... it would be interesting if they included a pre-level before actually going on a mission... like let's say a level requires higher force jump to reach a certain point... before you go on a mission, you'd have small pre level liek the yavin trainning level on JO where you'd train force jump. a few pointers from the master a quick test making that pre level go from 5 to 15 minutes tops.


Then you've cleared the training pre level you'd start the actual mission.


Either that or having trainning levels in between the actual mission levels. Freelancer's SP had something like this... you'd fly the mission..then when it's over you are on your own till you reach the next pilot ranking... then you'd get recalled for another storyline mission...when it's over... you go back on your own... then when next rank is achieve.. bang you get recalled and so forth.


I think this would reflect the Jedi scene quite well... if one considers qui-gon trainning obi wan and obi wan trainning anakin...


they had the trainning momments... and they would have the assignement momments.



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Originally posted by boinga1

I'm betting the first playing we do will be some sort of trial, or such, after we build our saber...

Ditto. I see it being similar to the first Force-usuable mission in Jedi Outcast: Having to go through some sort of training ground and using our Force powers to get out. The only difference is I think we'll have the lightsaber for it (since the seekers are in the trailer, and I assume that will be the training ground).

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Originally posted by The Cheat

well should we earn more force for completing training?


As I said above, I don't think your Force levels will be open to choice.


You will probably either...


1) have to complete an obligatory training session to level up your Force powers


2) be able to train at your leisure, but this has no bearing on how your Force powers level up.


Otherwise I would imagine that it would unbalance some of the gameplay - it would be adding yet another level of uncertainty as to the Force powers the player would be using in the choosable missions.


Anyway, from recent articles it seems apparent to me that you will simply get to choose which Force power to level up on a UI screen, in a similar way to Jedi Knight (between a choice of 4 light and 4 dark powers - neutral powers are probably just automatically upgraded to suit mission needs).

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Originally posted by StormHammer

Anyway, from recent articles it seems apparent to me that you will simply get to choose which Force power to level up on a UI screen, in a similar way to Jedi Knight (between a choice of 4 light and 4 dark powers - neutral powers are probably just automatically upgraded to suit mission needs).


Actually I've read somewhere that if for example: Your Force jump isn't "strong" enough to reach a certain high up place that you'll probably be able to find a different route about the problem. But ofcourse I may be mistaken.

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Originally posted by Pedro The Hutt

Actually I've read somewhere that if for example: Your Force jump isn't "strong" enough to reach a certain high up place that you'll probably be able to find a different route about the problem. But ofcourse I may be mistaken.


Well, that's good to hear. And in tandem with the ability to 'go back' to a mission later on, I think some of these issues may be resolved on missions that can be chosen. So if you attempt mission A and discover you don't have the appropriate Force power (or level), you can skip it and go through another mission B having chosen the Force power (or level) you'll need in mission A.


Or something like that. :p:D


This kind of flexibility should make SP far more enjoyable, and less frustrating for people who might usually get 'stuck', IMHO. ;)

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Maybe also start a rebellion, throw Luke to his knees & open a Sith Academy :mob: . Yavin 4 was Dark Side outpost way back b4 Luke build the academy, and I remember reading in some SW book that some students got corrupted. I will, too :lightning


There should be few different Jedi's with different saber styles (dual, double, single) to sparr with between the missions. Just a option, not a must.



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Originally posted by StormHammer

As I said above, I don't think your Force levels will be open to choice.


You will probably either...


1) have to complete an obligatory training session to level up your Force powers


2) be able to train at your leisure, but this has no bearing on how your Force powers level up.


Otherwise I would imagine that it would unbalance some of the gameplay - it would be adding yet another level of uncertainty as to the Force powers the player would be using in the choosable missions.


Anyway, from recent articles it seems apparent to me that you will simply get to choose which Force power to level up on a UI screen, in a similar way to Jedi Knight (between a choice of 4 light and 4 dark powers - neutral powers are probably just automatically upgraded to suit mission needs).


If I recall, one of the articles (I have a headache just trying to think of which it might be ;) ) said that there was 'a short training, then off on your first mission', leading me to think there will be an introductory training bit.


The Enterprise in EFII WAS a bit of a treat (not without glitches, and certainly with its' limits, but a treat nonetheless ... BTW why does that plant lady hate Munro, anyway?!?!) But you were 'required' to go see Korban for the new weapons (it was an objective anyway) ... but who wouldn't want to - the quick sessions were always fun, and hearing Korban say 'Almost as good as a Klingon' in that awesome voice was always worth it :)


I would like the Temple to be explorable, and interactive. I don't care if it repetitive, either.


Rather than getting powers by using force powers, I'd just see it as an opportunity to develop my skills. The ability to practice new moves, especially in a 'practice duel' setting would be great.


Personally I'd love to have Kyle or Luke call you in between missions on your comlink and have you go somewhere and say 'we'd like to show you a new move', then demo it and have you practice until you can hit it. I would have appreciated that in JKII.



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