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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/11/20 in all areas

  1. Cool!, since you posted these a few years ago I always wanted a poster of the Kyrandia book 3 art and the Purcell version of Tales of MI but it never happened, so a few months ago I tried my best to make them myself using multiple images from the internet, I upscaled those and patched the best parts together and ended up painting quite a bit. I tried to keep them as close to the originals though they are not perfect. I also made the same for Alone in the Dark. Here they are if you guys want to check them out. (hope you guys like these). Tales of MI File Kyrandia 3 File Alone in the Dark (with Title) Alone in the Dark (clean) Alone in the Dark 2 (with Title) Alone in the Dark 2 (clean) Alone in the Dark 3 (with Title) Alone in the Dark 3 (clean)
    2 points
  2. A great addition! If you are okay with it, I'd like to add them to the opening post (and copy them over to the Mojo server for hosting as well). In other news: I've added the artwork to the two X-Wing expansions, "B-Wing" and "Imperial Pursuit", as well as the TIE Fighter expansion "Defender of the Empire". Also new: A promo artwork for "Jedi Knight".
    2 points
  3. Welcome back! With the forums back up, I think it's time to revive my poster thread as well. It's been quite a while since I've added anything to the project, but lately I felt the need to get back into it. Over the last few years, there's been a lot of improvements in terms of image restoration techniques and upscaling tools, and looking back at the old posters sometimes makes me cringe at how they look by today's standards. That's why, aside from adding new posters, I'm going to update existing posters with improved versions every now and then. For any newcomers, you might want to check the archived version of the old thread to get you up to speed (which in turn links to even older threads on the ScummVM forums, Inception-style). In the old thread I've refrained from including Star Wars games (with Rebel Assault II being the exception), but over the last few months I've restored several SW artworks that I think deserve to be included. Both these and the posters for all Indiana Jones games have been moved to their own categories. Some quick jumps: LucasArts original games Indiana Jones games Star Wars games Non-LucasArts games To make downloading easier, Mix'n'Mojo is now hosting all the files themselves, so you can just click the thumbnails for a larger view, or right-click/save-link-as to save the full-size poster directly. I've set up a GoogleDrive containing all the posters if you prefer that (which will also keep old versions of posters I've updated and replaced in this thread). Sadly, this seems to be necessary: Using these artworks for commercial purposes is NOT PERMITTED. I constantly see my restorations used on cheaply produced merch all over the web and even in official magazines and books, which is really not cool (and quite unprofessional, if I might say so). Just show some common courtesy and contact me if you want to use any of the material. We can surely work something out. Sorry about getting all disclaimery for a moment, so let's get to the posters. Enjoy! (This thread can be easily linked to using the URLs http://poster.mixnmojo.com and http://posters.mixnmojo.com)
    1 point
  4. Great, thanks! I think I'll add a "scans I'm looking for" section to the poster thread, to not fill this one up with requests too much.
    1 point
  5. I have a kixx copy of zak, I'll scan it in a couple of hours. I've got a few other things I've been meaning to scan too.
    1 point
  6. Yeah, I will sort through these and add them to the opening posts. I agree that the office print isn't something I'd like to include here, even more so with Steve's signature on it. It's not related to any games anyway, so including it would feel inappropriate.
    1 point
  7. I can only find two of the Devils Playhouse posters in my files, and only 4x6 versions that were pack-ins for a retail release. I will keep digging but here are those in the meantime!
    1 point
  8. Well I've found my own rare LEC poster, it's from Argentina's version of Indy and The Infernal Machine. The poster is quite big, and frankly, I don't think it looks that good. It looks more like a promotional poster to put on the stores. Here it is next to the big box of the game:
    1 point
  9. Here are scans of the 5 episode posters from Telltale's Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse episodes. Poster design by Stephen Whetstine and shared with permission. The artwork for The City that Dares Not Sleep drawn by Steve Purcell. The posters were originally 17x11", but were scanned on an A3 scanner and thus missing a couple of millimetres in length, but otherwise very close to the A3 paper format.
    1 point
  10. Yes please (assuming it's legit)! Though this is basically the same print as used on the boxes, right? Apart from it being flat and in probably better condition than any boxes out there, it wouldn't give any improvement in quality. Also, how did it end up in Germany? That being said, I can squeeze more quality (compared to my current poster) out of the existing material using modern tools, so it'll be updated eventually. I could use a few more scans though. Does anybody here have the KIXX release of Zak? If the Monkey Island KIXX releases are any indication, the print quality might be better than on the regular boxes. I could also use a scan of the (black and white) manual cover, as that at least had a lot of the artwork intact. And finally scans of the regular box front would be helpful as well. I have a few, but most of them go blurry towards the edges, because of bend cardboard. If you can manage to scan it blur-free, I'll take it!
    1 point
  11. On another note, I'd like to show some comparisons of what I mean by updating existing posters. The improvements in quality result from a combination of a) having access to better sources and b) having better tools at my disposal. Note that on my old versions I often used fake texture and bump-mapping to simulate brush strokes and detail where originally there was nothing like that (although some details and grain are added artificially in the new versions as well). Here are a few samples: https://imgur.com/hcrfIOu I'd also like to show an extreme example of better ways to upscale images using basically artificial intelligence (or "machine learning"). The promotional "Infernal Machine" artwork (or something that was an early concept for the main cover) was originally only shared on Drew Struzans own website, albeit at very low resolution. Here's how it looks after upscaling it in various steps:
    1 point
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