Hi guys, title says it all.
I just came from the cancer that is the steam forums and if anything it just made me appreciate this community so much more.
Thank you for all the things that all of you do to keep the presence up during even the down times. Thank you for years of content. Thank you for giving me endless hrs of content to read for so many years. Thank you just for so much.
Yeah okay I clearly have been on a nostalgia trip which has led to my resurgence and posting way too much on everything, this time is different though as its a nostalgia for this community and what its been over the years.
I promise my next post will be less gushy and more directly game related, sorry about that. I think I just really missed this. not that it went anywhere 🙂 I'm glad life finally brought me back to it.
Oh and if anyone knows contact info for Freddie @ lucasartsmuseum can you fire him a message to approve my account 😛 all my old collection threads died with the old vbulletin software and I really need to fix and update that