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Everything posted by Quanon

  1. Hey RedRob, saberhilts are finished... I think. It's been a loooong time, though I do believe they all work as they should. Haven't heard much from J7. So not sure where he stands with all the modding going on. I'll have a peek at those sabers asap. Though I've got some internet issues atm. So not sure how soon I can get back to you with those files.

  2. Mmm, looks fun. I do have a few sabers lying about and even in other packages that could get used.

  3. Ah, wasn't aware SS gave up on Coruscant. I saw his awesome work on Boba Fett :)

    I knew you guys where busy for school and such. Heck, life always sucks away lots of modding time.


    I'll keep doing modelling work on Coruscant, but I can't say when it'll be done.

  4. Thanks! ^_^

    Working hard on those things. What are you cooking: modding wise?

  5. Yoo! Back right at ya :p

  6. Mmm; 3Ds Max knows a lot of differant file formats. I do think UDK supports some of them. Not sure if that applies to full levelsss.


    Allthough Im very certain you can get tools for 3Ds Max to import/ export for the UDK set. Once you get your model from UDK into 3Ds Max; I'dd make sure everything is an editable Mesh, not editable poly. Then I'dd take a good close look to see if any faces of your meshes aren't inverted. Exporting and importing 3D stuff, it often happens thing get turned inside out. :lol:


    To export everything for the Kotor games, get NWmax. Its a plugin that'll give you all the needed bits to export out your level to a format that Kaurora can use. Plus adding a mesh to use as the Walkmesh, zone where the PC/ NPC can walk on to. Then use Kaurora to compile. Then you have all model files. Other files needed are .vis and .lyt. Both contain a short list of 'rooms' your level is made off.


    Last bit is to setup a .Mod file.

  7. On top of my head:


    Lightmaps work in both games, though the UVWmapping of the lightmaps might get mangled. Which gives odd shadows etc...

    So far I haven't found a way to get rid of that problem once it happens. This happens mainly because I use auto-mapping functions in 3Ds Max. Benifit of the automapping is it's quick. But it's dirty; so to speak.


    The long way around is to map all lightmaps by hand. But most of scene's contain hundreds of objects. So it takes some time to do and it doesn't mean it'll be 100 % OK in the end.


    Though I guess dropping questions on a 3Ds Max forum might turn up some neat scripts and user-made plugins. I already use 1 such plugin to create my lightmaps.


    Another issue is the non-solid walls. The camera floating behind the player and his party just goes through anything. It's also a problem for enemies; they see through it to. Start reacting to the player miles away, even if they aren't supposed to see him. So it potentially messes up scripts to.

  8. Hey, all is well on my side. Been busy prepping to move house in early Januari. And working, holiday season... at a general food store; HELL on earth incoming for the next 2 1/2 weeks Doing more hours, sucks... And next to that lazying around all the time x-D

  9. Oh, I'll have to peek in my WIP folder, those textures are gathering a lot of dust :lol:

    I never continued work on the console thing though... hmm, might pick that one up where I left.

  10. Oops; sorry! I'll drop it in the dropbox ;-)

    It's a whole folder with a row of differant version of Kauroa. Nr13 is the latest and the best one :)

  11. Hey, working on a mod with Canderis and SithSpecter. Though things are going a bit slowly on my part. Life keeps jacking up my modding work schedule :lol:


    Hopefully soon we can update that crazy thread with something more juicy, then just silly banter :-p

  12. Mmm... Odd...

    A second thought came up. Did you use another sort of material on one of your meshes. "Arch Design" is not the standard material 3Ds Max uses.


    I know the export script doesn't like the other materails. I know this because for certain renders I tweaked material to emit a nice glowly light. I once forgot to change it back and I got all sorts of bugs.


    I'dd check that out. I think it might be something within a Multimaterial on slot 19 that causes this error.

  13. Hmmm; Looks like the export script is confused about the walkmesh material somehow... Not 100% sure; as I've no idea if you even added a walkmesh already to the area :lol:

  14. Okay; thanks for the update. I've been working on getting my lightmaps to work on my street area mainly. It's sucking up a lot of time. As can't get them to work 100% correct. *sigh* Redoing stuff is so boring.

  15. Yeah, thanks for that. Since I got a working Kaurora again, all attention went into that. But I'll reserve some time for those 2 helmets. Expect an update later this week ;)

  16. Heyo, MagnusII! Hope your doing well; could you check out your PM inbox.

    I'm having problems with Kaurora again. :lol: Yeah, I know, I'm a whining modeller.

  17. Yep, that's me and my girl. Where almost 6 months together now ^_^

  18. Hey,


    Doing well, things have changed a lot in my life.

    Moved in with my girlfriend and a whole host of things had to be figured out and all.

    I'm sure you know how hectic life can get :)

  19. Oh, boy... I'm so sorry HarIII. I haven't had much time to do any modding last months. I'm moving to my girlfriends house and a whole other ton of stuff needs to be done... I sort of forgot I had a model of yours to check out. Hope you don't take this to badly :-S

  20. The latest one I got, is named: KauroraEditorRC11. Think it's still avaible in the private group for the 3D Lords, though on what page, I've got no clue ;)


    Here's a linky to my MediaFire, I've got it there aswell: CLICKY FOR DOWNLOAD

  21. Oh, dear, I totally forgot about your question o_Q

    Though, I must admit I actually had no clue what you where asking at first. :animelol:

    I'm not much into item/npc editing, nor the animation side of the game...

  22. Owh thanks this will deffantly me link the skins to the correct head model.

    I've already organized the RoR override so I can easely pick and choose.

    And since I started this I think I'll make somesort of "catalogue" of all models in the game.

    Each with a picture. Like that whenever anyone makes a custome module, he just have to peek to know what certain placeables look like. Instead of endlessly doing test runs.

    Might also help people looking to do reskins to know what model fits which skins etc...

  23. Aha, I've seen that some models have been altered, nicely named the same as the textures they use :p

    Though, eh... Did you also alter head models. I've been importing all body models and looking at the skins I can easly pin point what body model they use. Though with the heads it's a little less easy, to pinpoint what skin uses what head model.


    You got a list? Or should the 2DA clear that mistery up?

  24. Heyo,


    Just downloaded RoR Beta; extracted the override folder. Tossed out a big lump of script files and .lips and whatnot. Like that I only have a huge bunch of models and skins.

    Boy, you made like a billion twilek skins :lol:


    Really great work in there! :)

    It'll take me some time to decide what to use first. If I understand you correctly, only the dancer model has been modified. All other body types still use the same old model from the orginal TSL?

  25. Oh downing RoR... Why didn't I think of that earlier o_Q

    I wasn't planning on using them for the signs persé. Just to have some fun with.

    I've been eye ball'n differant posing programs. DAZ and Poser, but none have those fun gamey characters. I sort of like 2000's game look, before bump&normalmaps where all the rage :lol:

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