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Bee Hoon

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Everything posted by Bee Hoon

  1. Just pointing it out;D Do you need to go through the katana-ed version of your epic?

  2. But she's cute! I promise! :p


    I see... I don't actually know much about IB. I know it exists, but it isn't terribly popular here;p Care to tell me more? :)


    Yeah, Bush hasn't done a whole lot for your image. It's a shame. Cheesy true blue American stories still make me tear :xp:


    Heh well, people born under various signs are supposed to have personalities which correspond to the zodiac animals. Plus you're supposed to get on well with people who havefour year gaps (I Think? I'm basing this assumption on the belief that Dragons get on well with Monkeys and Rats).


    Mine's still unfinished too, onoez! :o Hurry, Litofsky! Hurry, me! ;D


    Have you even read anything else that I've written? :lol:

  3. The traffic was terrible! It's a good thing I don't have superpowers, or there'd be a lot of dead drivers on the road;p And would serve them right too! >.> Am getting around to reading your fic. I actually wanted to play angry games tonight! ;P knight 12167 updated, go have a looksee.

  4. More fun than fighting traffic was! D: Now I remember why I wanted to stop working...

  5. What's there to do in Helsinki? :D


    Heels are also t3h painful and t3h unstable. Even 1 and 1/2 inch heels are pretty unstable for me;P Plus my bf is the same height as me, so I don't wanna look *that* tall!


    This may not count, but we stayed in a red light district in Copenhagen. And got solicited when trying to cross the street O_O Sis and I just STARED at the guy blankly.

  6. Many would beg to differ on that point! Haha, you've worked hard for it;D Enjoy feeling smug :p


    Well, that's bit harsh. Some people just don't do well in academics, whether out of disinterest or whatever. That having been said, an education isn't a guarantee of future prosperity. Some of the richest men in Malaysia are secondary school dropouts. And why would IB allow that, hmm?


    Destroyed? Strong words! :lol: Why do you say that?


    Oh yes! Dragons are cool, don't kill them=p Familiar with the Chinese zodiac?


    Thanks for the review!:D

  7. D: *goes to cry in a corner*

  8. You clearly overestimate my initial capital :lol:

  9. How's it going to make me rich? :lol: Am almost done with it. Gimme 20 minutes.

  10. Hee! We don't ask for money...yet. Just ask them where they are, what specialization etc:P

  11. Same place as my old job, but this time tracking down alumni. Will be clearing up lists and databases for the first week or so, methinks:P

  12. My temp job is starting tomorrow D: It makes me sad!

  13. I sleep a lot, just that my biological clock has been kinda messed up:/ Self-inflicted, but that is beside the point. And it's having all these crazy friends in different timezones D:


    Ouchie D: Well, my memory's pretty bad, but I should start following this software I have more diligently. Yeah, I've been using that website too!:D Seems nifty. Whoa :o Dammit, I have to work harder >.> *mutters* Ooh, IB! Why, not planning to attend college in US? :p


    Well, Muslims have to kill animals in a halal way:/ Bush has left an everlasting prejudice against Texas ;D


    What's so boring about medieval Europe? Pretend that you have DnD monsters in it >.>


    I be good girl and go sreepz nao. Good night/day!



    Your teacher sounds awesome, and you sound like a fun classmate! Wish I could take Mandarin class with you! :p


    Yeah, chimps are cute <3 George Bush--erm. Well >.<


    He falls asleep every where. If he wasn't the one presenting the national budget, he'd fall asleep there too. As it is, it's a close call. I'm told Musharraf has to shake him awake once D: *dies* Well, the ruling party did lose the 2/3 majority in parliament and several key states. They never saw it coming--first time ever since independence that they have only a simple majority. And now there's rumours of the popular opposition leader forming government via a backdoor :/


    Googley doodley dooooo.

  15. Hee, I think you know more than I do about characters:D


    My leader falls asleep at international meetings and conferences. It is distressing D: Bush is a chimp in disguise ;o


    Did you mean shui (水)? :lol: As fair as I know, it's the most common word for water. Go listen to Ju Hua Tai by Jay Chou--I love the song <3


    You should google it. Google is the font of ALL knowledge!

  16. Erm, I think that 月 is yue. Moon. :p This (明) is the one you're thinking of. I checked, and you're right!


    Well, at least you get a very articulate president xD *looks at Bush* Uh, usually.


    If you have bounty hunters, that's how! xD My exile's name is Lei;p Full name 泪光 from a Jay Chou song. It means "light of tears", corrected for grammar:P


    From the same place that :-) did? :D

  17. :p Hey, you're younger than me! You shouldn't be so cynical:P


    That's sad :( Btw, I think you Americans spend waaay too much time electing a president. Who runs the country while the incumbent is campaigning? xD


    Yeah, silly Jedi. I should write moar non-Jedi >.> Can't help it though, TSL makes *everyone* a Jedi.


    I can't rmbr how to write ming bai ;D Good sign to have in a Mandarin class though!

  18. Oh hai Lynk! *spams*

  19. Hell yeah! Who wants to run a bureaucracy unless you're forced into? It's boring :( Hee, our politicians are linked to many crimes and scandals. It's embarrassing:/ And our former Foreign Minister pronounced election as "erection"! *dies* I'll link you the Youtube if you want. It's funny, in a painful sort of way X_X


    Agreed, but how many people run for that reason?


    Yeah, that's true. But with those nifty Force bonds, everyone gets a say! :D *cue retro advertising music*


    Lol! Ming bai= understand. Yue=moon, bai=white, but a different bai, iirc ;D

  20. That is a fair point ;P


    Ah, all these nonsensical politicians. I'm generally of the opinion that anyone who wants to run the country shouldn't be allowed to do it. >_>


    K, that shouldn't be too bad then. I used to write exclusively in first person, when I was n00bish and hadn't figured out that it's difficult ;_;


    The shi is unnecessary ;D Bu yong le! Ni ming bai ma?

  21. Uh what? :p Are you ready for an epic beta? :D

  22. YOU HAVE RETURNED! And I guessed :D

  23. He is the granddaddy of fanfic on LF o_Q I prefer using italics to bold for some reason. *shrugs* I only use bold is I need it to indicate another speaker altogether.


    Well, at least your bureaucrats aren't corrupt, which is more than I can say for Malaysia;p The states seem to have a lot of autonomy though.


    Are you writing in first/third person POV?


    Hee, your Mandarin vocab seems ok wut ;D

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