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Darth Avlectus

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Status Updates posted by Darth Avlectus

  1. Mr Manaleito: GUYS! --GUYS! --GUYS!!!


    ....Fellas. You thinkin' we could....listen to the radio or somethin'?

  2. Much better made to be sure. Probably had all the range extenders and neat stuff.


    Yeah, being that I grew up with a musician/minister for a father who later branched out to Dj-ing...I've had to keep an open mind to whatever is out there. I'm a Video Game music fan actually--if that isn't odd. I like metal of all kinds, I sort of got into rap though not too heavily. Techno seems to be okay for me at raves. High school was about the peak of that. I went to one Ozzfest. Too bad ozz himself had laryngitis and was a no-show. I'm into some classics I guess.

  3. My bad I accidentally commented in my own visitor page. >_<


    He's a silvery black little guy. I thought he was a female. O_O

    Now that I see it's a HE, it definitely looks as though when he is out of the unencumbered "hopper" stage, I'll have to be leaving him in his cage more. Levy is quite happy to have company for now, though.

  4. My friend, I think another forumite could benefit from your wisdom. You could relate to my childhood adversity (hell one better, your impoverished state was worse than mine ever was as an American youth).


    I think this guy is having a similar problem to what I did with his natural reserve of aggression and anger. (unless it's total BS :dozey:) I already related some general experience of my own. However, you seem much more qualified at teaching about handling internal conflict, than I.




    He doesn't seem a bad fellow--even a good sense of humor up in the forum games section. :xp:

  5. My malgus statue will be around long after the server no longer hosts this game, years from now. And done--I have the box of the game sitting right next to me.


  6. Nadda much. You?



    I'm currently extracting stuff outta my room, clutter n' all. Tomorrow I get the day off from work in order to do some home improvement. That and I'm trying to figure out how to work tha KOTOR tool...and find some more modest, free .TGA editors and stuff--I don't exactly have $500 for photoshop. PLus I be havin problems since I'm on Vista. Amongst other stuffz.


    Whatchoo been up to? Had any good energy drinks lately?

  7. ND="endie"...Just a tweaked out version of ender. ;)

    So I guess you can pass on the fun! It's one of those stumper things that's so simple one trips over it practically every time the first time.


    I think once I played the VG based upon a book from the series Andrew is from:)

    One guy I knew in HS liked the series too. (shrugs) :)

  8. Neliel Tu Oddelschvank (the l also could be an r--guess there's no definitive japanese equivalent to differentiate the two pronounciations).


    She's from Bleach. One of the 'Espada' members who is spared--though I don't want to spoil the story. I'd say she's similar build to Rangiku Matsumoto, but a far less ditzy personality.

  9. Never heard of them. I've heard of a lot of bands, but I guess I've just settled into VG music...


    In HS, well, people messed with me but they had since middle school and it became pretty apparent by sophmore year I'd had enough. Freshman year of course had to be columbine so you could imagine how the rest of the class got real quiet and distant. CA is an ant's nest of deception and corruption. Or naive idiots.

  10. Next accident--actually earlier: Arc Welder. Metal Shop. Making potato gun.


    The short arc stick of weld is normally brittle--so brittle you can just twist and break it. otherwise you turn off the machine (preferred) and chop it with a chisel(at least). I had made it hot and pliable by making 2 passes adjoining the pipe cut at an angle to the baseplate. Was impatient. Buddy yanked on the (+) lead with the weld to help, I gripped the workpiece with my right hand and yanked the in the opposite direction. Didn't watch where I swung my left elbow--hit ground (-) pole. --Never knew what a mix of fire, razors and barbed wire felt like all at once in my chest and arms until a minute later I came to, realizing I had been zapped and thrown into the wall behind me and mildly passing out. 250V at 50-75% power output. Screwed up my heat reception until mid 2007--happened 1-17-02. Been more static charged ever since.

  11. Niko walks by.


    "What is the matter with people in this country?"

  12. No I just decided since it's around the 11th...why not? Though, yes, I do have Naruto Shippudden Ultimate Ninja 4. I


    t seems uncanny how like Shikamaru I am IRL, and how I end up with girls having the same personality type as Temari.

  13. No I mean for the mods to get outta storage again. You're on a list of people waiting. ;)


    I have so many, you're referring to the one that gives herr "eyes", correct?

  14. No I'm medium sized. With a long reach. I'm 5'8" but my reach is 6'1"--maybe even 6'2". I've grown a little bit but I don't think I have much left at all. Length and height wise. My reach got me paired up with the tallest guy in the class, a middle aged guy who was 6'4" but real skinny. Or my expereince got me paired with the overall biggest guy.


    I've not done MA tournaments.


    I have done SCA fencing tournaments, but the people are so arrogant I nearly got kicked out for putting one of the jerks in place outside of swordsmanship conduct. Yeah...some displaced ribs are inevitable. :rolleyes:

  15. No problem. :)


    Yes, I bleieve that's called "red herring fallacy"--which he (of all people) knows better than to do. He's careful he doesn't contradict himself. And if he does, he just does more maddening "hairsplitting". --yeah, someone like that actually tried sassing a kendo sensei once. He just wouldn't SHUT UP, and this sensei was from japan. Hence very little tolerance for any crap. Guy left with more frustration and a nice red welt on the forehead.


    I was anti theist or atheist...it ultimately didn't hold water.


    I came to realize I was not an evil man. Further, I could not forgive myself for things I had done. I had to learn how.

    I'm spiritual but not religious.


    --Oh believe me, he reads them. I've seen him on his visitor messages and he temporarily unblocks others to stir it up and then re-blocks them when convenient. It's okay, such pretentiousness is laughable.

    --I'm not a jesus freak. However, that is good you intend to do right in the world.

  16. No, can't say that I have. :)

    Neat little site I can bookmark now. Thanks.

    I doubt 99.98% of folks care enough about this stuff anymore, BUT, I like messing around with electronic components and lasers. http://www.repairfaq.org

    At the very least, it's kinda neat to crack open dead appliances for components.


    Also, in my little town we have what I believe to be the first ever of its kind: http://www.theenergydrinkoutlet.com/ That's right. Dude had the idea what with all the energy drinks there are out there to open a distribution franchise. It has taken off. Now he's marketing online, and he's soon going to open a second outlet near University of Nevada Reno. Over 200 brands of energy products!

    I go in occasionally. I just wish he'd get some Mana Energy potion next!


    I think he'll make it big.

  17. Nonono, I got a hot Temari...or like a hundred. All different kinds. Though if you know something special. :naughty: Go ahead.


    But you'll have to PM me 'cuz...well, you know it's 'just that way'...

    ...plus I doubt you could top my sources (ahem) if you don't take offense to that sort of thing. (don't worry, I only go for the more tasteful "art" if you know what I mean)


    I'm sobbing 'cuz You might not have the visas...and I'll have to look thru my 20+ some odd discs. to quote EnderWiggin's sarcasm


    "That just makes me all sad inside."


    Though I mean it a little more for real...UGH I'm gonna have to look thru all that........ Push come to shove, though, I could always make a mod...


    Not sure which exile or fem rev face portrait I could turn into Hinata for you, if you want one. What style of hair--short or long?

  18. Not even a guess???


    Also I a vaguely familiar with the Atris gift pack, had some fire and ice robe... moda said he'd like to get it if he could. While I think I have it...I'm a hafta look in my 300+ CD archive which is a whole mess of things amongst mods.


    BTW my dad just had a knee replacement. :D

  19. Not much. Hey you ever noticed how much G4 spike and I guess scifi are starting to try to become alike?

    I hate what G4 did to what used to be techtv. Tech and gaming with good anime and orginial shows.


    Spike is okay, I like the UFC stuff. IT seems to have picked up the good anime. Occasional gaming. and just good old action flicks.


    Scifi, I like science fic (obviously anyone here does :lol:), they have ani monday where they show the best of what's new and all sorts of the good old classics.


    I dunno. They all just seem to be getting to be too alike. Especially now that G4 is just a bunch of mainstream...crap. Since G4 took over techtv, it has attempted to imitate thes other 2 and the other 2 likewise. G4 took a good thing and screwed it up--like watching mtv. The only cool stuff there is obviously B&B reruns, Jackass, and the rarely shown oddities series.


    --which is why I do not watch tv anymore--all the good stuff died out and the rest just makes you stupid.

  20. Nuances exist in life. You're human.


    Personally about gay "marriage"--they *already* have all the rest of the niceties that come from a Gov't recognized domestic partnership. As far as the title marriage, no. They cannot have that. Marriage has always been, since its inception, and will always be, Man + Woman. In California, they're trying so hard to jam it down everyone's throat. To me it's a grab of power to try to "make it normal". Natural........ Natural? While abnormalities of the hypothalamus gland naturally occurs and makes that person's tendencies lean towards homosexuality, being gay it in and of itself is not a natural thing.


    Abortion...I refuse to go there in politics. I'm not a woman. While I may have my objections to it being done for convenience sake, it's ultimately her body, her choice.


    I don't like politics driving rifts between LF'ers either. Unfortunately it has come to a point where ignoring it is not going to starve it and kill it.

  21. Oct 27th, 1996.



    And on the 2nd this month his wife, Kay just passed away.

  22. Of course, anything he does is just that much more evidence to be used. I don't care for intrigues, but in high school I took a test and qualified for the FBI if I had really wanted in. I take those martial arts strategy/philosophy books alongside christianity.


    I suspect he is a coward just looking for financial info--which will fail if he should get something and try fraud. Or if he's looking for my ex, he'll leave as soon as he figures out she's nowhere around here.


    If it's me he's after...I'll just say that in childhood I lived a few blocks away from where Jaycee Dugard was kidnapped at the time. That gray car of the kidnappers I had seen trolling that sparse, mostly vacant neighborhood the weekend prior haunted me for many years. MacGyver and Kevin McAllister were my childhood heroes. I'm a rationally wary person, ready for doomsday even if it may never happen. I will train others.


    I will keep that shotty in mind tho, a bear just broke into my car the other night.

  23. Oh *that* guy.


    Yeah, go ahead and do it! :lol: I wonder what other easter eggs people can throw in?


    BTW, is Maya capable of doing what 3DS max does for games? Smith Micro's Poser series can apparently understand stuff from autodesk Maya. 'Course I'm probably going to be using gmax and blender for making custom stuff.

  24. Oh c'mon yo. You've seen my antics at the forum games...gotta live up to my jackassing outside thaT once in awhile. It's my handle...well, that and "monkey fling doodey".


    I imagine you're at least somewhat of a jackassing mind as well. :dev9:

  25. Oh gawd.


    Like that time I almost spent $495 on a pair of thigh high Goth boots and nearly as much on gear and clothes...It was just so cool looking--I'm not even goth.


    Finally sense kicked in.


    I look like a mountain man and I dress...the same all year. Like an average joe.


    Especially now that I haven't worked out in 3 years and I'm not as cut as I used to be.


    Let me guess, you are one of those types who, regardless of political labeling are capitalist, but not bastard capitalist. Si? No?


    Did you have any questions in general? About anything?

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