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Darth Avlectus

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Status Updates posted by Darth Avlectus

  1. Well, feel free to post it...with spoiler warnings...


    I admit I don't know jack $*** about AC. I only saw the red white and blue in the familiar AC cloak robe thing and looked at the person, and saw it was a redskin. Passing by Gamestop they had a lifesized preorder...cardboard thing. A tad superficial on my part I admit but still... Looking for something along those lines. Everyone else gets something, why not red skinned folk?


    Me and purifier might be distantly related through our heritage. Wonder what he thinks of AC3.


    Then again in SWTOR (If I can ever get around to it) I plan to make at least one human redskin character.

  2. Well, I am into politics, sorta...but I wouldn't want to do it for a career. I'll gore anyone who spits on my country's constitution or flag. There are even people getting the idea you can fly another country's flag over the American one here in USA. Wasn't surprised a vet took great offense to it once...and yet there are those complacent enough to call the vet hateful. That has nothing to do with it: the guy fought for the country and he'll be damned if he sees it disgraced!



    Meh--back problems today. My pelvis was out so badly pain shot all over. After getting the problem corrected, I just went home and took a nap. Awake now. Pain's gone and I'm all good. --Never quite had pain like that from throwing it out!!! I need to get back to working out again--working is *not* a workout. Active, yeh. Maintining? No.


    Gaming eh? You into retro gaming I wonder?

  3. Well, I couldn't have remembered 100% though thanks to a little bird I spelled it right. ;)


    That's the thing about getting old, your memory for small things starts to go.

  4. Well, I do have that PIC micro controller thing from RS. For now I'm just looking for casing of a VARIAC I have so I can finally start using it, and also for another little thing a 24VAC transformer to run in reverse for a simple 12VDC-120VAC converter found on discovercircuits.


    You frequent instructables much?

  5. Well, I've come into ownership of a considerable amount of my family's property. Piece of land, a few vehicles. A mini trailer. Otherwise it's real slow. Guess it's good I saved for this. I was just hoping not to get tethered and to be able to save up more money.


    I was only temporarily going to move to San Diego to hang and live with some pals who got out the army. Not a long time, but now that's in jeopardy. :(


    Otherwise life is good. :D

  6. Well, if you are willing to do it legally I personally have no problems with it.


    Yeah, that's my attitude. My friends have the same attitude as well.

    One pal is of Nordic and north Euro. descent with Native American. He was a foster child to italian families. He says: Just call me American and give me a damn cheeseburger.


    I am glad people are proud of their heritage. However, I think some tend to carry their country with them like they are not really in America. Not united. They don't 'integrate' like everyone else. Exclusive.


    Your attitude, on the other hand, is the kind we gladly welcome with open arms. You also sound like someone who appreciates what it is to have liberty and are maybe willing to fight for it if you must. Tremendous work ethic.


    Am I mistaken? Please correct me.

  7. Well, if you do buy an MRFX, Mace Windu is the hardest ot get ahold of...well that and Maul double blade. Their value is going up since the MRFX line was discontinued. And disappearing FAST since they are collectible. I have a Luke ANH I bought a disneyland.

    If you just want a show saber that you can duel with I know some places. (A little more sturdy than MRFX as well!)


    I have a bokken. And a couple cheap katanas. Plus some others.


    I catually take the cheap ones and craft stuff from ones that break if I don't keep it for show.


    IRL I have studied fencing, swashbuckling and currently in Kendo club. Curious as to shaolin bladework and Eskrima/Arnis.

  8. Well, ignoring it didn't work for me personally but if it works for you that's okay. If you have any other existential meltdowns, I'm willing to hear your concern.


    Just keep plugging away and being you, making mods. And no matter what Disney says, KOTOR will always be what fans like you and me decide. :)


    I'd say Modding is an art form, and you express yourself quite well. Like a martial artist in his chosen field.

  9. Well, that is certainly understandable--you kind of sound like my parents. :rolleyes:


    I can be liberal depending on some issues and conservative on others--depends on the issue ya bring up, I guess.


    I'm I guess 'net' more to the right and, while I'm all about capitalism, I'm also one of its biggest critics noting how and where it doesn't work...or just simply "capitalist but not bastard capitalist".


    You're one of the more coherent people dealing with...the hairsplitting drama. Thank you for keeping it civil. 'Course if they were in a kendo club speaking out of turn like that in a sensei's presence--sensei would be delighted to initiate 'correctional disciplinsation' with his bokken. --I could picture you doing something like in a gym that with with a rapier, while LF'ers limped out. :xp:

  10. Well, that's good to know.


    In person I'm kinda like angry and quiet when it gets *real* bad, but online, well that's where I've learned to to blow it off and be kind of a smartass. :lol:

  11. Well, that's what waiting for the game to hit the bargain bin is for.;)


    I wasn't impressed with what I heard about Soul Calibur 4 and it met my expectations for it which was kind of low since it was a transitional step to next gen consoles. (*Hated* they took away story adventure mode). Moreover a 360 isn't exactly geared (controller setup wise) for that kind of fighting game.


    That's a big problem nowadays: total technical stuff, yet often not enough memory for a good long game or good story. At best. Yeah same problem with heavenly sword--not that Nariko isn't a hot piece of @$$ mind you, just that...well, it was too short.


    While GTA4 wasn't as great in gameplay perks or as large as predecessors, like San Andreas...it had me pretty entertained for quite a while--but you know this already. :)

  12. Well, there is inner and outer circle in some dojos. I'd say I am outer for most. Some are glad. A student or two has come with me to fencing meets.


    The club is more than happy to have me, though. If only they would hold another meeting. Done since late 2007 off and on. A little sloppy now.


    I fenced w/ rapier...not the light ones for olympics (foil), the heavier or medium ones (hard to wrist-breaking). I did some saber dueling as well. Off and on since late 2004/early 2005.


    My MA career...varies. I've actually been in more fights in my youth. Occsionally spar my pals in the woods.


    Apparently previous experience shows in classes you take. I took a basic self defense of ken-po in college. I learned a lot form it. However, most the classmates noticed I was..."very inclined" to put it simply. My long reach for my size got me paired up with large opponents in the classes. Not bragging.

  13. Well, when I had cats it depended on the cat. I've had a few dog chasers. The one who I think was poisoned by the tainted cat food awhile back, he survived coyote attacks. He was a muscular badass of a cat. He and whatever dogs I did have usually respected each other.


    Dogs who didn't found out the hard way how much a simalley can hurt them.

    (siamese + alley) (possibly with some big cat heritage)


    I had a few of those kinds of cats. Even one who could, and would, "fetch". Which actually is more than I can say for dogs I've owned. LOLZ

  14. Whadya thunk, am I being too harsh?


    Butthead:"Uhh, I don't like stuff that sucks"

    I think mainstream ...crap... sucks

  15. WHAT DA F***? DAMMIT! Let me TELL you about a porcupines BALLS, they're SMALL and they don't give a $#*%!


    *groping blue M&M, bed tips over, face in floor* ASS!


    /tourettes guy

  16. What do you think of this quote?

    "Open-minded skepticism is a hallmark of proper science. Science becomes faith when it is not subject to critical review. Seems to me there's too much faith in science and not enough in God." Forrest M. Mims III

  17. What up man. How you doin'?


    Found my CD--but it's 3 in the morning. I'm tired. I promise I'll get it 2 U.

  18. What up? Done any electronics lately? Any PIC microcontroller stuffs lately?


    Dude, yer birthday is like, the day right before my sister's.

  19. What up? :) U a fan? U might comment on my blog.


    The one and only blog as of this point I have ever written...I think...

  20. Whazzappppp?!


    I heard galbadia hotel is baCK up if you were lookin' for some free game music...don't say I didn't warn ya though--it may be having all sorts of problems now with spyware and viruses. :(


    ---I can still share some stuff. Were you looking for any game music in particular? You tried vixy.net for youtube soundtracks yet?


  21. WHAZZZAAAAAAAAP?! It's tha weekend tyme Uhh'gain.



    What you doin'? Chillin' cozy with da bitchez?


    Getting your huff on?


    Playin gamez like the SW nerds we all are?


    Spendin' some quality time in America's favorite reading place--


  22. Who is:

    1) a sensitive jester

    2) Tall and heavy

    3) could bounce like a rubber ball

    4) is a programmer of some kind


  23. Who the hell does he think he is? Grumpy fat dude. His own dog raped him. (Yeah, I *saw* that episode) :barf:


    Where in the hell did he find a mummy? Or get that sports racecar? Does he ever wear anytihng else? WTF?

  24. Who's that player, man?


    BTW Why aren't you showing off your own face anymore? Afraid I'd call you 'pretty'? :naughty:


    *runs away*

  25. WHOA! Holy crap! They *were* working on something new for those guys. Beavis' voice is a little less rough than past incarnations though.


    Still, that's amazing they actually are reviving it. I'll be interested to see if they stay relevant or fall into obscurity.

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