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Status Updates posted by logan23

  1. Hey I saw your post.

    Very interesting. =)


    I think people forgot that the Jedi and the Sith came from the same beginning. The Sith or Dark Jedi (called before they merged with the Sith species) were a sect of the Jedi. A group that believed in a different set of rules concerning the use of the Force. These Dark Jedi were casted out and both sides ended up fighting each other. The group that won became the Jedi and they created a dogma where they feared this split will happen again. That's why they say there will always be a sith and Jedi since they are always the same just different beliefs concerning the use and perception of the Force.


    What matters as Jedi or Sith is what you do with your Force sensitive ability that defines if you are good or bad.


    And that's what i believe Kreia might have told and taught Revan and the Exile. It is your actions and how you act that matter. What is your goal and let go of the restrains that burden your mind with guilt and fear.

  2. Hey also download the Word doc, from the RoR main thread, this will belp with organizing and implicating the new dlg options; agressive, diplomate, corrupt...etc


    Also listen to the mod cast and pm me any questions

  3. If you can get me the script by Monday that would be great!!


    Thanks in advance

  4. Cool! thanks


    I'm moving onto pre-beta 2's finals starting this weekend.


    I'm wrapping up pre-beta 1 with a 100 no bugs/crashes =)

  5. Thanks for the video. I will put a rough together this weekend

  6. Hey, do you want your real name in the RoR credits? PM your real name if you want them in there

  7. Ugh, hate delays like those and adding a child yelling like that,..ugh


    Actually - I got a call today that they are delivering my laptop tomorrow.

    I actually called them back to make sure they got the right person.


    If everything goes as plans- I will have the laptop tomorrow


    After getting the anti virus all up- then comes downloading kotor2 and mod tools!

  8. Hey, do you have AIM or MSN messenger?

    I would like to go over the info in real time if possible.

  9. Hey,

    I just saw some software which can alter your voice. I have not tried it out yet but the samples look promising.

    Blaze audio cloak voice trial version and VCS diamond Voice changer.

    Thought i would pass this on since you are working on VO's.

    Also i saw a thread about allowing HK units to use metelee weapons.

    This will allow you to have your HK droid with those light sabers which you originally wanted to use.

  10. Hey,


    How have you been?

  11. hey check the team social G

  12. I had a feeling. I got confused when you mention the Hutt planet didn't know if you were getting permission from disbeliever to use his new modules for you mod.


    I look forward to the updates!!

  13. I would ask Darthstoney or glovemaster since both are good at scripts

  14. Job is better then school,...never could get my teachers to give me money for getting an A in their class,...ugh P2L = Pay to Learn =-)



    Whats the job?

  15. Hey, I got my power back finally!!!=) dancing with joy!


    Im in the xat chat that canderis set up if you want to chat.

    Won't be able to do skype today since I'm getting all the writing I did into the mod and taking care of a few side things so I will have a hard time talking as im doing 5 things at once lol.


    Tomorrow I will stop into Skype =)

  16. Thanks for the email

  17. Darn,...i was way off on my guess lol

  18. Hey,

    Yeah, I have not been on MSN much. I will jump on later to see if we can catch each other and catch up on thing.

  19. hey, sorry i have been sick with broncituss. I will get the email and documents to you tomorrow.

  20. Hey I was wondering if you should go for a more silver steel GUI interface color that would match your cool Logo. =)

  21. hey,

    whats up.


    I should have the video with the saber creation, this weekend or monday.


    Also in helping with the new mod Rise of the new republic,....using new format

  22. send me the dlg file. maybe there is something there at is causing it

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