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Status Updates posted by logan23

  1. thanks for the info.

    I got it done and posted the modcast/post on the new lightsaber creation/progression system

  2. Posted in M4 social group

  3. Hey, re did the module with Uldir being introduce and his basic clothing has the red strip on the leg. Not sure if the tgs is correct with the proper clothing uti?

  4. Whats new?

    I have some edited dlg files, mostly just grammar.

    I will send it to you sunday

  5. Happy New Year!

  6. Happy birthday!!

  7. Thanks for the Badge :-)

  8. get it to the proper 1.ob or something patch- the official ones.


    That might be your issue since i remember it could cause hiccups






    this last one also has a patch to make the movies better and this one also has the same patch the first link has as well.


    We will get the game to work lol

  9. Yup, i took a few days off to read a Game design/writing book. I'm still aiming by this weekend to have the content 90-95 percent done. Then I will start putting in all the dialogues which are missing, and any scripting that's needs to be added or tweaked. Soon this baby will be totally playable. June is Post production =)


    You will get everything done, and the wedding is going to be breath-taking. Enjoy every moment!!

  10. The Pre-beta first chunk of game play will be ready soon. I will be posting today with a Developer's Blog and a New Feature being announced.

  11. Hey,


    I got your VOs,thanks.

    I notice the accent but could not place it was from.

    Im sure i can use you as a VO, just looking at where. I haven building the modules and quests so i have not had the time to look at dialogue in detail.


    I will try to get a saved game to you later today.





  12. Hey,


    I love the armored robes, they look great!


    I was wondering if I could use them in my mod Revenge of Revan.



  13. posted in M4-78 social group

  14. Thanks!


    If you want to ask the moderators wither there is a badge for this I won't stop you =)


    The website will evolve with new character profiles and other goodies.


    Thanks for the Support!!!

  15. im in your sites chat

  16. Hey,


    Its good that you have a balanced modding skill which will allow you to work on the mod and help manage your team.

    If you have any questions on grounding your plot. I would help in actual production but i have Revenge of Revan mod that taking all time.



  17. Don't worry i plan to update the webpage more, I just put all the team members onto the site with what they are doing for the mod.


    I plan to do more and stream line thing more when it come to the website

  18. posted in m4-78 social group

  19. Hey hows the VO going?

  20. Hey i was thinking.

    You should look at who has used the tsl patcher for thier mod, check the Tuce forum. Then reach out and ask for help.

  21. That would be great if you can get it done this week. I understand there is alot of files.


    Once i have this i can then create all the final appearance of npcs in the demo.



  22. hey,

    will send you another link in an hour

  23. You can do that send them over and i can add them to the new ones

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