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Status Updates posted by logan23

  1. hey,


    Cant get it to you till late tomorrow.


    Try using the name kmaybe.nss


    I think you made the name to close of or there is another script with the name you used,...it could also be the k_ part. The kotortool can be sensative. Try use the name i created ...i have a feeling it will work.



  2. Hey, whats the issue? do you want to talk in hiss chat?

  3. hey come over to hiss, got something to share

  4. Nope When i use that script it causes the game to crash/ get stuck where you can move the camera but it seems to be trying to give you infinity.

    I place the line

    object oItem=CreateItemOnObject( "bomastim", GetFirstPC(),1,0);

    Outside the main brackets and not it give me a stim but if i have 3 or 2 bomablood it will only give me one stim.

  5. Hey,

    i got the pm. I will put it ingame once i get home. :)

  6. Hey, was wondering if your still interested in working on the mod's story or do you want me to move you to the regular team and have you focus more on modeling?

  7. Can the game script be able to count how many of the same tag you have and create the same number of the new item?

    Was not sure if the game 's script/egine had that ability.

    Another solution is to create a script on the boma which will check if you have bomablood1, if true then create bomablood2 , if false it will make bomablood1.

    This could be used a s a control since these creatures can be controled on what they give, ex the blood of the creature. I can then just add a cond in the dlf checking which one to allow the player to equally create the number of stims to the number of boma blood.

    With the drop bomablood the last line of the drop blood script could be if bomablood5 is present then do nothing or give components( which they ate)

    Let me know if this is the route i should go.





  8. What's new?


    How's the VO coming?

    No rush

  9. hey,

    I might use the new module. I know it will be a snow module so i would either use it on Rhen Var or reskin it to not be snow.

    Hows the work with Nick Vader going? Saw info on the TC.

  10. will be there later, testing the next build

  11. Hey, posted the VO Reveal video

  12. Hey, your new planet is looking great! Keep it up!

  13. What colors do you have and what color are you thinking of?


    I will have to look how to make it upgradable. I know you will get the saber during the adventure so I want to allow the player to change color of saber and also add crystals to add bonuses to the saber like the regulars.


    I will look up how to tweak the 2da files, etc as long as you can get it to be in game ready=)



  14. Hey i was wondering how hard is if for someone to create small new placeables for kotor2?

  15. Hey, whats new

  16. Thanks!


    I will have some pics for you this weekend of the re-skinned Dantoonie/Jedi enclave for your feedback.


    I'm also looking into what is the difference between kotor1 and kotor2 scripts since I have experience in kotor2 scripting...if they are close and we know what is different,...then I should be able to send you some microsoft Documents with scripts that i use for reference...you can look over and get your head around them.



  17. Hey, when do you think you can get that npc layout to me?

    I can start placing them in with the animations while you check if you missed any textures for that module.



  18. I was just saying hi :)

  19. Whats the problem?

  20. Hey, sorry. I have been getting home really late from work the past few days.

  21. Hey,


    I cant jump over to hiss chat since im at work right now.

    I took a look at the link. Sounds like a cool mod.

    I cant download since im creating a new workbench related to build and crafting new robes, armor for jedi, and lightsabers.

    I dont want anyone to think i used his code. I might reach out and talk to him from what he learned from the experience.


    My workbench will be different in many ways since its tailored for Revenge of revan rather then kotor2.



  22. Hey, whats new!

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