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Status Updates posted by logan23

  1. cool, thanks!

  2. I would go with Jesial she is the most famous of female deveronions as far as i am corncerned???

    Who is Jesial?

  3. hey come to Hississ so we can chat about the dlg, etc

  4. I see the shots of the animations of wielding it with the X button, but wonder if he has the combat animations been done and what do they look like?

  5. posted a VO reveal video

  6. I believe you will place the walk random part of the script in the end of dialogue script in the utc. I looked at the script for end dialogue- I have not tested but looks like it would go in the area of the delaycommand line 3rd from bottom of script or in that area. I can test it out tomorrow or you can throw it in there and see if it works.

  7. Hey I solved the Jrl entry issue so you will see the titles now:thmbup1:

  8. I posted in LF forum

  9. I'm doing good. Eating a lot during the holidays,lol


    Been working on the Mod and expanding the team.


    Hows your mod going?


    Happy holidays!



  10. Hows the Word document working out for you with creating dlg?

  11. Im at work. Will be on home later today

  12. released a video, VO reveal

  13. I got it but my computer was disconnected and brought down stairs due to the 115 degree heat wave, going to re connect today and then check them out :)

  14. Ahhh..the Booze goggles have worn off,..yes that is your wife,..I tried to stop you but Elvis got in the way and through me out of the Vegas Hunka Hunka Church of Love...

  15. Hey,


    Im glad to hear your living college up!


    RoR is going well. Fixing some preBeta issues and adding Drayen. Im looking at preBeta2 to be done by the end of Oct. This will be a big one in terms of introducing the features into the mod.



  16. Posted in LF forum

  17. Hey,

    I will have to see how it could be added to kotor2. There is a chance parts of it could be transfered into kotor2 easily while other parts will need to be tweaked. Basically it will feel like a port since it was designed for RoR....in some ways RoR will feel like a whole new game.

    Im glad you enjoyed the Modcast. The next couple will have more meat in it.

    As for the gui with Dewton, we talked but he does not know how to hex edit the gui for the game.



  18. Hey, whats new!


    I'm doing good.


    The mod is going well.

    I released a Modcast to the public and have another one planned to be released before new years which will talk more about the game.


    What have you been up to?

  19. Hey hows the progress?

  20. I wrote a response at facebook

  21. Hey can't find the 3rd item for speeder. The components. Talk to everyone ... No where to find or any clues. Can you tell me so I can complete your mod.

  22. Hey, I updated some info on hilts in the team SG

  23. Hey,


    First you can have the terminal there from the start and then have a dlg file activated when clicked. Inside the dlg file you can then do a check on a jrl entry or variable script and then if you determine that you can choose to open games the force field is open and fires the script to make the NPCs attack/become aggressive. With that you can then give the PC a jrl entry that will keep the player from getting that option again when clicking the dlg of the terminal. This means the dlg option to open the force field must have a conditional checking if the jrl entry = a number or exists. If it doesn't then you can trigger the open force field and if it does the check and the jrl entry does not match the conditional then the PC will not have that dlg option in the dlg tree.


    I hope i did not confuse you. I do npt know how much you know with scripts, creating dlg and conditionals, etc.

  24. Awesome, I'm doing a crash course in 3d max for the intro movie


    Oh pm your feelings on the demo when you finish

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