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Everything posted by logan23

  1. You will get another play through with pre-beta 1 mid May or sooner

  2. its ok,


    I can tweak that later.

  3. Right now I'm in the Pre-beta testing phase. This is only open to team members but when I get all the pre-beta testing done there will be the Beta testing which will have a larger group.

  4. i know you want to make sure it sounds the best it can be.


    I understand the drive =)

  5. Hey, how do I keep a NPC person who i kill---from giving me loot.


    I want to limit loot but the NPCs seem to be dropping their armor and weapons, how can i stop that?

  6. hey, How do i keep a NPC that I kill from giving me any loot?

  7. Hows the hilt coming?

  8. i posted in social team group about the looting

  9. hey,


    The scene will have the Female chancellor, 2 other senators, and a military advisor..think high level general.

    The general feels that the jedi are a dead religion and that the Republic have depended on them in the past and look what trouble they caused.

    Chancellor is more even minded and the senators will act worried or other emotions to help the military general and chancellor to open up on what they just got word about the tyrena station and these attacks which could be exchange or hutts,...

    Have fun playing with this scene.



  10. Thanks!

    I also have my presentation today,..if i hear crickets in the audience...i will say come on its my birthday lol

  11. Yup, it is =)

  12. What is a sitrep ?


    Please clarify =)


    I'm thinking of the scene with the Chancellor and Senator after that opening scene we can start writing

  13. check out the tutorials and also do searches. Once you see a script you might use or need later, just copy it and paste it into a Word document, then you have a library, -remember to mention what they do

  14. just place a script to make the NPC to walk to a way point and add in a destroy that NPC in 3.0 seconds. Make sure when ever you destroy something or create a new NPC spawn in a script during a dlg, to place continue conversation at the end of the script so the dlg will continue if you plan to have it to

  15. Hey,


    First you can have the terminal there from the start and then have a dlg file activated when clicked. Inside the dlg file you can then do a check on a jrl entry or variable script and then if you determine that you can choose to open games the force field is open and fires the script to make the NPCs attack/become aggressive. With that you can then give the PC a jrl entry that will keep the player from getting that option again when clicking the dlg of the terminal. This means the dlg option to open the force field must have a conditional checking if the jrl entry = a number or exists. If it doesn't then you can trigger the open force field and if it does the check and the jrl entry does not match the conditional then the PC will not have that dlg option in the dlg tree.


    I hope i did not confuse you. I do npt know how much you know with scripts, creating dlg and conditionals, etc.

  16. hey,

    What did you think of the post?

  17. I posted with the answers to your questions

  18. i posted in m4-78 social group

  19. posted in m4-78 social group

  20. posted in m4-78 social group

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