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Everything posted by logan23

  1. never mind it works,

    mybad lol

  2. Hey,

    Was trying to create a script on a placeable that spawns a Hississ like on korribian, but only fires once. Do you know a script that does this?

  3. I loved the update, its coming out really nice. Do you think you have a rough date when it will be done...

  4. Hey, hows the writing going?

  5. I can click the same corpse several times and produce unlimited hississ,....want it to fire only once.

  6. you figure out the issue with the script?

  7. hey did you see the 2 new test videos?

  8. The links are in the post.


    I cant copy or paste since im on my cell.

    Just go to the RoR thread or my youtube site.

  9. 2 new test videos posted

  10. 2 new test videos posted

  11. 2 new test RoR videos being posted in 5 minutes

  12. Hey,

    How is the dlg going for those 2 scenes?

  13. I will say that don't mention that you were published unless you are going to issue a link to a copy of the publish material since if the link or option to see the publish material- people will think you are blowing hot air.

    If you truly want to be a writer then i would say join some writing forums and starting talking to them since they share your passion and they understand where you are coming from since they were at your level of writing once to and they can help you and mentor you to become the writer that you envision and see yourself becoming.

    Last note, always be humble and ignore responses that are negative and give not direction on how to improve, giving responses to these type negative comments just wastes your energy.


    Best Wishes


  14. Hey,

    I saw your post with your stories.

    I just wanted to say don't let them bothering you, the ones who are being negative.


    Listen to your passion but I would post them in a writer forum since you would get better feedback which would be constructive rather then simply people saying they don't like it.

    I always feel that when you show others your work you don't want people patting you on the back and telling you that you are the best since it will keep you from thinking you can improve which we all can no matter who we are. You want people who will give you suggestions on who to read and study to become better. A person who mentions there is an issue with your writing wither it be grammar or plot like should also be able to tell you how you can do it better. I always feel don't tell me that my work is bad, which it might be, but tell me where it could be improved and i can grow as a writer or what ever profession/passion you are pursuing.

  15. hey how are you?

  16. Hey,


    I'm glad you and LOH have talked/PMed.


    I did get the OK from J7 to use the robes in RoR.


    I will answer the other questions in a PM

  17. hey, if you have any question on the hand of silence skins, i would reach out to Lord of hunger. I got your pm, will respond when i get home.



  18. hey,


    As you may know, we are starting the skins fir the Hand of Silence. Let Redrob know anything concerning thier face and robe skins. Oh the leader if the HoS, does he look like pale like a zombie, any certain facail apperance?



  19. Hey whats up,


    Hows the writing going

  20. void main(){


    if(!GetLocalBoolean(OBJECT_SELF, 30) ){

    int i;

    for(i = 0; i < 3; i++){


    CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE, "hssiss", GetLocation(OBJECT_SELF), FALSE);





    SetLocalBoolean(OBJECT_SELF, 30, TRUE);






  21. Awesome! I'm looking forward to its release!!

  22. Got the script thanks!

    I will test it out this week


    Hows your mod coming?

  23. i will take another look when im home from work. I cant click hidden pics on my smart phone,....which seem to be not that smart when to clicking those hidden tabs,lol


    I have a few other npcs including the chancellor to be created. Female, and was thinking maybe Arkanian.,

  24. yes, it sounds very promising.


    I will wait to see the final result before i ask about using it.


    As for the saber hilt thing, don't know how they plan to do that?


    How have you been?

  25. How do create a script for 2 npcs to be fake fighting while i walk around. Imagine I just enter a martial arts dogo and the PC is walking around and sees some students fighting each other as they train. The PC will not be able to talk or interrupt them. The fake fighting for those NPCs are for mood.



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