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Everything posted by logan23
I want to talk to you about sidequests.
I wanted to know if you have some time to work on some small sidequest. Generic ones that focus on the planet they are one or interchangeable, can be placed on most planets. See the team or writer social group, i posted something impoertant.
Just need layout/pace and dlgs ,i will do the rest in getting the content in game.
I'm looking for a way to force push or force lighting a NPC during a dlg.
Do you know a link or info on how to do this?
Don't worry the Chiss will not be showing up other then PC selectable heads till after the second half of the game, and even then very few on certain planets that make sense. None on Coruscant,lol
One Idea i had and I don't know if its possible....
To have the PC bet on swoop racing.
Basically the PC would play the swoop race as usual but if he hit the target time/set a record he gains money. If he fails then he loses money since the Swoop racer is actually the person your betting on.
I don't know if you can set times but would stick with the basic ingame version of setting records. I don't know if this will even make it into the game RoR.
What is your feeling on the possibility or difficulty of this.
Player chooses Telos, or Narshaa track and then makes bet- send them to play the woop race - and if you succeed then you get money, if you fail you lose money.
There would be a NPC or computer that would trigger the dlg/script for this.
I found a way around it, kind of...using the stack feature in kotor script.
I can nor remove one at a time but have not looked into how this script stck use can be used to create the same number as you have present. Ths is something i will look into later but for now it works.
Thanks for all your help.
You have been a great help in my scripting and in so a big help in keeping RoR a more bug free game.
I'm scratching my head on this one???
void main()
How do I declare nPartCount= GetObjectByTag("bomablood"); ???
int nPartCount = GetScriptParameter( 1 );
UT_RemoveRepairParts( nPartCount );
If I can do that then I can declare as this item or do i need a new nBlank
int nBomCount = GetScriptParameter( 1 );
UT_RemoveBomParts( nBomCount );
Any help would be greatly appreciated
Lol, dont worry i didnt take it in view of a diss. You were just stating that we were doing on our timeframe, what ever it is.
I know many projects shy away from timeframes and release dates but i feel its healthy to discuss them just so the public knows you will finish.
Most large projects get caught up doin all these large time consuming thing for the project; when you are actually building a game you look at the lowest requirements for the game to ship and decide what is the game's purpose. From here you can always add more but if you start the other way around you get caught up with the extras and you notice 5months later and no modules have been populated, no prototype. Goal is always prototype.
I have to stop bwfore i end up ranting for hours on game production,lol
Again thanks for the kind works.
Whats new?
I want to lock in Drayens voice this weekend so we can start doing his VOs.
Im also thinking of few more parts for you. I plan to start locking in some VO roles.
Can the game script be able to count how many of the same tag you have and create the same number of the new item?
Was not sure if the game 's script/egine had that ability.
Another solution is to create a script on the boma which will check if you have bomablood1, if true then create bomablood2 , if false it will make bomablood1.
This could be used a s a control since these creatures can be controled on what they give, ex the blood of the creature. I can then just add a cond in the dlf checking which one to allow the player to equally create the number of stims to the number of boma blood.
With the drop bomablood the last line of the drop blood script could be if bomablood5 is present then do nothing or give components( which they ate)
Let me know if this is the route i should go.
Nope When i use that script it causes the game to crash/ get stuck where you can move the camera but it seems to be trying to give you infinity.
I place the line
object oItem=CreateItemOnObject( "bomastim", GetFirstPC(),1,0);
Outside the main brackets and not it give me a stim but if i have 3 or 2 bomablood it will only give me one stim.
Got a question,
This script causes the game to freeze but in a way that i can still move camera but can't move or click, i believe that the script is giving me infinity which basically does this.
void main() {
object oDestroy = GetFirstItemInInventory( GetFirstPC() );
while( GetIsObjectValid( oDestroy ) ) {
if( GetTag( oDestroy ) == "bomablood" )
DestroyObject( oDestroy, 0.00, FALSE, 0.00 );
oDestroy = GetNextItemInInventory( GetFirstPC() );
object oItem=CreateItemOnObject( "bomastim", GetFirstPC(),1,0);
What do you see that needs to be fixed?