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Everything posted by logan23

  1. Hey,


    Whats new?


    The weather here is getting better, starting to feel like spring.

  2. Hey,


    When i get home from work, i will send an invite to the teams social group and writer teams social group, where there are podcasts on the game.


    Will pm you on the crawler as well when i get home.



  3. did you get it?

  4. You have email

  5. sending in 10 seconds

  6. sending in 10 seconds

  7. I'm sorry


    Which one?

  8. Yes i received it, going to listen to it tonight =)


    I will PM you this weekend



  9. No internet,,,.the horror!


    Im close to being done with the M4 document :-)

  10. Hey how are you?


    Have not talked to you in a while.


    Is everything ok at home?

  11. Hey, whats new!

    Have not seen you in a while.


    How have you been?

  12. will be in hiss chat in a few mins

  13. i might have to ask Achillles about allowing to have the 2da rebalance in the mod, sounds good since it adds some difculty

  14. i might have to ask Achillles about allowing to have the 2da rebalance in the mod, sounds good since it adds some difculty

  15. Hows the mod coming?

  16. i'm looking for a script that ads a party member to the screen without using the gui. Meaning player says yes i will join and then the party member NPC appears on screen now as a party member and there is no need to access gui screen for selection

  17. new posts in rise of republic thread and social group

  18. Interesting,


    How the rebalancing work? What does the mod actually do?



  19. Hey,

    You are correct, the only color crystals will be the progressive crystals. The only original color crystal you will see is the blue since when you make the saber it has to have a crystal in it, plus they can be used as a place holder as yoj pull the progress cryatal and then update or modify it at the bench before placing it back into the saber with the new level or type of progress crystal.


    Outside of that there will be no normal color crystals from the original game.


    I hope i didnt confuse you more,

  20. hey how did you like the modcast?

  21. Hey, whats up


    I will be putting in the VOs you sent in this weekend, finally!,lol


    I will gave some new ones plus maybe we can start playing with Drayen's VOs and get those ionto the game, once you feel that you got the Voice you are aiming for and feel comfortable with.

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