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Status Updates posted by logan23

  1. Yeah, i heard. I think we should discuss this in PMs till he makes it official to community.

  2. Hey,


    I contacted the guy from kotor movies about Revan's VO. Waiting to hear back.


    I also took the next step with raising RoR exposure by joining/creating a mod page at Moddb.com. Its Major modding site, check it out and just search Revenge of Revan.


    Hows everything going with you?

    Congads to Canada, i heard you guys beated the USA in the gold hockey, very close game.

  3. yes, i click the install, and the patcher pops up looking for the tlk file and frezzes. Iinstalled to the kotor2 main folder

  4. Very nice 3D models!

  5. Did you send me a VO sample?

  6. Hey, hows M4-78's story coming?

  7. Hows the new business? Could you tell me what it is?

  8. hey,


    I will send you the updated one once its polish. Im getting saber feature done, came across a bump, reaching out for solutions. The bench and script work, just the saber upgrade buggy so working on which tweak i will do. End of this month i will be done with it and working on pre beta 1 and 2. :-)

  9. hey ,

    Quick question;

    having issues with destroy npc or npcs during a dlg and having it resume conversation. Is there a way to keep it from send me out of dlg when this script fires?



  10. Hey,

    Sorry work kicked my butt the past few days.

    I will pm you in a little while.

    I will also be on hiss in an hour or two

  11. hey how is it going?

  12. I will be on later tonight.

    You can pm me the question if you want.

  13. hey can you meet me in the xchat

  14. Hey, hows your planet mods going?

  15. i was going to help you flush out your ideas so you can get them grounded. Talking in real time is always best.

  16. Hey,


    I was wondering is there a way to check any globals like the head being used by the PC?


    Looking to added different alien races with some bonuses but don't want to ask the PC are you a wookiee and have the Player lie to get the species bonus.


    Any ideas?





  17. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Hanharr


    Han harr is dead in the cannon version

  18. Hey, Great to see you!!


    Hows college been?

  19. Hows everything going? Hows pre-production

  20. got your email. looking it over right now. the dlg is really good. I will e-mail you back in a few.



  21. hey did you see the 2 new test videos?

  22. Hey, did you get a chance to play the RoR Demo?

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