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Status Updates posted by harIII

  1. Something in this position. Make the person more "Emperor" looking and dark sided.



  2. Sorry for my late response, I don't have regular internet access at the moment.


    Skinners are a high demand right now and I'm not sure what's going on with my Dialog editor. Right now I'm writing most of the dialog and I have my peeps go through it just to make sure that it all makes sense, the transitions are good, spelling is correct, and grammar is proper.


    If you really want to skin I could use you in making new heads, appearances, possibly placeables (I haven't decided yet), and modules. Let me know if you have ever done any module reskinning, I could really use somebody who knows how.


    Also do you do any modeling?

  3. Sorry, like I said, I don't have regular internet access.


    I just downloaded Zorin and I'll be able to test it later on.

  4. There actually are several people open. I really want to get the beta out and it will be done soon! I just need to touch up on a few things and get some voice actors and figure out how to make lip files.


    There are people ranging from Imperial Soldiers to the Emperor himself. Are there any personalities that you can accurately match, for example would you like to do a light side or dark side person?

  5. These are the original but since then I've added two more for side quests, I've included the first ones just so that you have all of them together:


    sle001 - Nar Shaddaa Docks

    sle002 - Nar Shaddaa Refugee Sector (the first module of Nar Shaddaa)

    sle003 - Telos Cantina

    sle004 - Nar Shaddaa Refugee Quarters (module with all of the refugees)

    sle005 - HK Factory level 2 (module with where you see all of the HK's moving in the factory)

    sle006 - HK Factory level 1 (module with the three branches that head off into opposite directions)

    sle007 - Nar Shaddaa Jekk Jekk Tarr Tunnels

    sle008 - Ebon Hawk

    sle009 - Peragus Dormitories (Apartments, used one part of it)

    sle010 - Peragus Dormitories (Restaurant, used one part of it)

  6. when you're trying to mix and match reskins to items as well as models you can replace that stuff easily. It's when you're trying to make new ones that I kind of get lost; I haven't ventured out into the area mutch, I've mainly worked on NPC (character) appearances.


    I can reference you to somebody that could help though, talk to Canderis, he knows a lot about modeling, that's what you're working with.

  7. when you're trying to mix and match reskins to items as well as models you can replace that stuff easily. It's when you're trying to make new ones that I kind of get lost; I haven't ventured out into the area mutch, I've mainly worked on NPC (character) appearances.


    I can reference you to somebody that could help though, talk to Canderis, he knows a lot about modeling, that's what you're working with.

  8. Would you be able to send me screenshots of the bounty hunters instead of the material. For me it's easier to see screenies than use the material.


    And yes, the Emperor will be Sidious (think that's right spelling).

  9. Yep everything is you said is right.

    1 - The Bridge is the only thing working

    2 - The polies I sword I converted into meshes, sorry

    3 - I gave you new files in an email which you should be able to open, they were saved in 2011 format when you're using 2010.

  10. Yep, but I'm suffered a real delema. My computer was wiped and all my work was lost forcing me if I want to do anything to start from scratch.


    For now on I'm going to be working on my dream project which I know I can do, its just a matter of keeping enough interest in it to complete, my version of Knights of the Old Republic III.


    But my problem is two fold. 1 - I can't seem to get my K2 installation to work properly on Windows 7 (it just stops for some reason under models about 10% the way through the install. 2 - I need to get permission from two modders to use their mods, the Darth Vader and Imperial Soldiers.


    At the moment I'm still working with on the planning stages. When its complete its going to be amazing! It'll be like getting high!

  11. yo dude, can you come over to this chatbox for sote for a bit?


  12. You have to use some kind of conditional script. Whether you complete a mission, obtain an item, or based upon a boolean statement; you need something to say if this has occurred then do that.


    Here are two documents that I have that can help:



  13. ****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. About the problem with the override, try making sure that your override folder isn't full. We're restricted to 2 gigs and that may be why you're not downloading the subfolders.

  15. Are you able to get your computer working for Dropbox yet?

  16. are you on gmail?

  17. At the moment I have fixed the problem and have the first area of the Phoenix, a ship, in the game. However there is probably going to be a very good chance that I will yell at you again about the model.

  18. At the moment just been busy with college nonsense, but, i believe I should be able to get back into modding for a few days at least...

  19. Babe, I will always need you...

  20. Beloved, we've been using skype lately. If you don't mind giving me your skype name I can invite you to the group. Just give me a little bit because I'm going to shower and get something to eat.

  21. Calm down chief, I'm still working on it. I'm up to yavin so far so there's still a lot left and I've been mauled with college lately.

  22. Can we meet sometime between 2 and 6 PM Friday, Eastern Standard Time?

  23. Can you come on to the Team Hssiss website? Logan and I are talking about sote

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