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Status Updates posted by harIII

  1. Sorry dude, I would come on more often but I just don't have access to the internet as I use to. While I'm home I have to drive over to the computer lab to get online.

  2. Sorry I haven't been as reliable as I typically am, I've just been having to make a few surprise trips out of town the last two week. I should be around and available for the next few days

  3. Sorry I missed you last night. I was in band from seven to nine and then after that I realized that I had to work on a paper that was due yesterday. So that's why I wasn't paying attention to my messages here or your instant message on gmail until it was too late. Anyways I can definitely meet you at sote tonight after nine, That's when I get out of class. Any other time today however will be hard because first oof all I have to write that paper, and then prepare for a midterm.

  4. Sorry I missed you, I completely forgot until 5:30

  5. Sorry Sla, Canderis said it is a problem with the Xat program and he has absolutely no control over it.

  6. Sorry, Canderis

  7. Sorry, i just haven't had time off from work and on the weekend the computer lab is closed. However the world can now start rotating again because I'm on the chatbox right now...

  8. sorry, i missed you, ill come back here around 8ish eastern time

  9. Sorry, I saw you on there and said something but you must have been afk. I had a dinner I had to go to and that's why I left. However I'm going to be talking with Canderis tonight about 9 o'clock eastern standard time about a new idea for sote. Can you be on?

  10. Sounds like it's just you, I'll say something to Canderis.

  11. still around?

  12. Sure I can do that. Do you have any ideas on what the video should be about?

  13. Sure we can do that, though I can't see the Star Courier, something funny with the web page.

  14. Sure, I'll meet you at the sote chatbox tomorrow morning anytime from 8 - 11:30.

  15. harIII

    Sure, I'm inviting you now. You'll be in just a moment, I'm looking forward to your ideas. Also there are a few threads up already so if you have a particular idea that goes in that thread please do so.

  16. Sweetheart, it's been a while...

  17. teamhssiss.proboards.com

  18. teamhssiss.proboards.com

  19. Thank you so much i really appreciate it. Just send me those lines when youre ready and ill jump on them. Note that im doing about 70 hour weeks between school and work and those are primary. It more than likely will take a few days especially depending on how many lines there are

  20. Thanks chiefy, I hope yours went well. My friends and I got to ruin a couple of ducks entire weekend because they became the Easter dinner...

  21. thanks for your comment on the tutorial

  22. Thanks I appreciate it, but I never heard of these badges, what does it mean and how do you do it?

  23. Thanks I appreciate it

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