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Status Updates posted by TriggerGod

  1. despite what your saying, i stil believe i showed you that program. either way, I've already edited that part of my post out.

  2. I have something really cool and new for TSL. As always, TriggerGod delivers. I'll send you a PM with an image shortly.

  3. yes I meant the tut.


    well then. >_>

  4. alternate evil chev. at least thats what I think I posted. It was late anyways....

  5. Alien Skin Blow Up 2 is what I used. It offers a free trial (30 days iirc), full version costs. And I definitely don't condone anything illegal on the internet and you should not take this sentence to mean anything that would get you into trouble with the internet police.

  6. I'll just send you the PM i just sent CQ >_<

  7. Is the chat working for you, Ferc? Because it isn't for me. And it isn't the same kind of error as last time, because the xat home page isn't loading at all.

  8. And while you were gone, everything just went to hell.


    Looks like your avy just came back from it.

    (BTW, check your PMs)

  9. ...

    "hes" back, and as young as ever...

  10. Well, thanks to RedRob, it works. I have had her robe done for a while, so the character of Katrina (the twi'lek) is done, once I can get her head to show up ingame without my game crashing. :migraine:

  11. strange.

    Oh well, I'm not on that much anyways due to being partly addicted to Mass Effect...

  12. hey mr. other admin, does TLOTI give you a Page Load Error when you try to simply get on the main page?

  13. Its possible; but I highly doubt it. In my high school alone, there are easily 10 people with my last name, only one of whom I'm actually related to, at least 4 with the combination of my last name and my first initial, and I'm certain there is at least one with my first and last name.


    If you look enough, you'll find that yeah, there will be more Vachos, more people with your last name, my last name, everyone's last name, and they probably won't be related, and if they are, its probably a distant relation.

  14. And, the other night, out of pure boredom, I modeled a saber. Actually, 2 sabers. A double and a single variant. The double one is two of the single sabers (duh) connected by a series of (brass) tubes.

    I'll send you a PM with it shortly...

  15. Just got the (trial) 3dsMax 9. I feel excited (considering with it, I made this).


    Any tutorial sites you recommend before I dive into the wonderful search engine called google?

  16. new hardware is epic. I personally can stand playing Crysis on best settings now, so mine is pretty awesome.


    I was hoping you would notice me when I was on for that 30 minutes (+/-) >.>

  17. They should. I haven't tried playing BaseJKA on Windows 7 yet, but it should work if you install it on 7, instead of trying to play it after installing it on another OS. (if your dual booting that is)

  18. Well, it has a lot of polys, and the more polys there are, the lower the game will run. It would be like playing with a mod that is high def while the rest of the game is a lower quality.

  19. Your a poet and you didn't know it! (hey, that rhymed too! :o)

  20. I'm not exactly familiar with 3dsMax, as I use GMax for all my modeling needs. If 3ds is anything like GMax, just have to put it in the script section.


    Just to be sure, send Marius or someone else with 3ds this question.

  21. Good to see you alive again, Doc! :)

  22. What about some of those custom sabers? Like the Diligent, Inheritor, or the Haphestus?

  23. Well, I'm almost done with Inheritor 2.0. All I have to do now is place a box for 2 crystals, and possibly one of the sabers, to make the story make a little more sense.

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