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Everything posted by Burnseyy

  1. Yeah, ease Revan in on the memories... I think I'd be pretty confused, too, if I had two lives... be difficult to tell which was which. He could grow frustrated and cause his and Yuthura's place in the order to be considered. :) just my two cents.


    I have many ideas for the Huntress - I've got a list of them, which will happen over a time. I haven't started on the next part of it, but I've got QFR 2 pages in. In the Huntress, I plan to make the bartender one of the people who has a bounty on his head... which would explain his nervous attitude towards the thugs in chptr 1. ;)

  2. Yeah, everyone in SW has suffered some kind of loss or betrayal. It's odd how it happened, the incident mentioned in the story. But now I hate her. You can say I've blamed her.


    As for your story, it'll be interesting to see the true Revan come back, and how everyone reacts to it. Maybe Bastila would blame Yuthura if she hears wind of her convicing Revan to keep his old memories. :^:

  3. Thanks for the compliments... though it's not so much as the friendship became routine... more like the friendship just died. You see, I looked up to someone for the first time in my life, and this was during the rough stage in my life, so it was nice to have someone to lean on for once.

    So being left high and dry, on my own, wasn't too good. This poem just uses certain objects that I remember from the friendship to justify it's meaning. I wonder what everyone elses interpretation of it was?

  4. :lol: Maybe not spoil it, but make it more difficult, yes!

    So, are Revan's feelings for her going to disappear? What'd be funny is if he started liking Bastila again... ah, there would be a lot of jealousy then.

  5. Unlucky! I never wanted to be a librarian in school, even though I was asked. Now I look back, I was asked to do a lot of things that I refused... library, sports, school council, mentoring...

    Prefecting was the only thing I agreed to. And I got a shiny badge out of it :D

  6. Thanks, a few suggestions would be nice... though, I think I can work most of it out on my own. :)

  7. I feel sorry for Ross... he thought Yuthura would be this big knight in shining armour, or whatever, but now he sees that she's barely even better than him. ;) and he has more control over himself than her. How can this apprentiship ever work out? :xp: (that's rhetorical btw).


    Oh I won't stop reading - the technical stuff aside, I'm liking the chapter so far.

  8. you accidently deleted 1000 books? Is that even possible? lol

    I bet you were relieved that they were backed up... otherwise you could've been in trouble. You own a library?


    It is so true that knowledge enriches a story... I don't have much 'outside' knowledge, except for latin, mythology and psychology. Pretty lame. Maybe reading more books will increase my knowledge!

  9. That's a strange dream. My avatar changed? And then suddenly you were in England? How'd you like the weather? :xp:


    Do you believe in dream meanings?

  10. I won't feel overpressured, hopefully. I don't want it, but I have it and I'll have to make the most of it.


    Good news though - I've got a job interview on Saturday! Money, here I come.


    How did your day go? And also, do you research about the technical stuff in your story, or do you already know the layout of the engine in your latest chapter *currently reading it*

  11. True. Stephen and I kept raising an eyebrow at their 'moments'. >_> Mission beats her.


    The only thing I'm not happy about college with is, because my grades reached a certain height, I'm being forced to enter into a FIFTH course - General Studies. Because I'm apparently 'smart'. We also have RE, and an enrichment course. So 7 things to do. Eugh.

  12. Well, five pages is only 200 replies...

    Okay, it's a lot. Congrats. :^: lol.


    Enrollment wasn't bad. I made a friend called Becky - she was quite quirky and we had a nice chat. Also, almost every teacher stopped and said 'sorry but, I love your eye make up! where'd you get it from? *stares in wonder*' ... complimenting but it always happens!


    Clone Wars wasn't bad, but it wasn't good. I get what you meant by the childish humour... and Anikans apprentice reminded me way too much of Mission... didn't you think?

  13. I don't solve problems, I learn from them... though some things have nothing to teach!


    (yes they're my wise words for the day...)

  14. Anywho, tired yet again. Speak tomorrow. :)

  15. Damn all the good things in life that are actually bad!

    And I plan to keep alcohol to a minimum level. It's a bit annoying when people call me "lightweight" because I don't want to drink cider or beer anymore. Maybe I'm being a typical teenager. I dunno...


    You're DEFINITELY sober now, right? :lol: it does sound like the dark side in the sense it's 'just letting everything go' and basically embracing your emotions because when you're drunk, they go haywire!

  16. Junk food's tempting, but alcohol's even more tempting. I usually only get junk food like once a month, and a small meal at that. But alcohol? That was 5 or 6 times a month. Smoking, the same. Bleugh I'm ashamed. And it wasn't just one drink or one cigarette... it was about twice my weekly unit intake... and about 20-30 cigarettes every Sat.


    I doubt I'll escape alcohol, but I will escape cigarettes.

  17. I don't really want you to understand, because that means you're on the first step. And my case isn't even bad compared to most. I probably am addicted... but at least I've resisted smoking so far - that was so incredibly difficult, on holiday, especially with the others smoking in my face. >_< I was a request away from a free cig. But I resisted.


    Best I could describe it is... imagine a luxury you love, and adore, and you feel like you couldn't live without. It's fun, and all that - then you lose it, but it's only a walk to the shop away from you. And it's in price range. Ever had something on your mind and couldn't get rid of it?

  18. What did you come to believe?


    Maybe she gave it up... but it wouldnt stop her thinking about it.

  19. I have no idea how it didn't make me stop. I felt ill for 3 days after. But now I just look back and laugh so much. Maybe it's because I don't remember any of it. If I did I wouldn't be so eager to laugh, like my friends who remembered almost everything. :^:


    Vodka's evil. Very evil. Don't even touch one shot! It smells bad, tastes bad, kills you, basically. It's strong and you don't realise it's effecting you until you've had too much and WHAM! blankness.


    It sounds like the dark side lol.

  20. She's never had a job?! Or just never had a job in the media? Either way, wow.

    I've already had one job, loved it, hated it, made friends, lost them, burnt myself countless times on plates and quit!


    Vodka's easy to drink, now? I think it's probably the most throat-burning drink out there. Except for all that foreign 90% stuff you get. I drank 2 big bottles of vodka at a party once... I remember nothing, but apparently I fell down the stairs, smacked my head, couldn't stand nor speak and then smacked my head on the wall outside, twice.

    I knew this was true, because I had the bumps, bruises, cuts and other peoples vomit all over me to prove it. Lovely.

  21. I'm not going to university, college is different here in the UK, than it is in America. I'm taking Film and Media, and hoping to head in that direction for a career, and I got an A* on my GCSE media exam, without much revision (which is truly strange). I don't think I'll be expelled for behaviour or failure to meet standards... and definitely not punctuality, because if I stay in college all week, I get £30! Now, that's a bargain.


    Don't say that - I hate vodka, but 5 shots is hardly a lot compared to what I did last Summer... Oh, that was a bad decision! :lol:

  22. Well, best to make the most of what's left of the holidays, I suppose. I don't fancy going back to working again, and I'll also need a job... God. I'm looking forward to it, but it'll ruin other stuff. Maybe I'll befriend a SW author nerd. Hmm...


    And there's no offence, just annoyance :fist: I'm joking. I look forward to the next chapter, but I don't mind waiting!

  23. Nah, the enrollment isn't until 3pm. I've got to get student pass card photos, too *shudder* how I resent those things. My passport picture is scary enough!


    And I would need a dictionary? Hey, I ate one, remember? :xp:

  24. Have fun :D Make sure you get those key sick dark side tortures in there! Can't have Dark Side without them.

    But this time I will not make the mistake of eating tomatoes.

  25. I would say start a new topic, and explain at the start of it why you created a new one. It'd be too confusing for some people if you put the end before the beginning :xp:

    it might have worked with one chapter, but you posted two.

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