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Everything posted by Burnseyy

  1. Ah, yeah, so you are...

    Well, still, it's what you want to do, so at least you aren't being told what to do by people who you don't even care to be around. ;)


    Good luck with that!

  2. Hey, at least you're not still listening to adults saying you're always wrong, and having no one take you seriously! :)


    I don't fancy getting much older than this, but life goes on. But still, congrats on the marriage and such. :^:

  3. Ohh, well thank you. :^: that was of me on holiday, so my hairs all weird from chlorine...

  4. Nice pic? My avatar? lol


    And I promise, this time I won't fall asleep at the laptop. :)

  5. Ohh, I love stories that make the game better! You definitely should post your idea of it. K1 was my favourite of the two games, and it'd be interesting with certain side quests too. :)


    I say go for it.

  6. I was only joking... though I have been an idiot at times.


    The thing I'm concerned about now... is my voice has gone all male-like, and enrollment day is TOMORROW!

  7. I guess I'm an idiot, then. :^:


    I will!

  8. Damn deadlines...


    Fair enough, I suppose I'll play on Guitar Hero. :)


    Have fun with SiD!

  9. I have one piece of advise for you...


    Don't eat tomatoes whilst reading a story about Sith.




    Great story! Feel sorry for Mission though... doubt I'll ever be able to look at her character the same again :lol:

  10. I know, bally3000 said he liked it, and I asked if there was any humour/what the humour was like... I got the general jist of how childish the humour is. He liked it though ... go figure.


    I'm still watching it, but I'm not expecting it to be funny, unless I AM drunk! :lol:

  11. Nope, you said nothing offensive, luckily for you. ;)


    Alcohols a pain when you decide you don't want to be drunk. Usually when you're off your head, or drank you've everything you intended to drink.


    I'm going to see Clone Wars tomorrow with Stephen (bally3000)... at long last.

  12. I don't care about how it looks on a CV, I'd have to kill myself every day after a shift... thing is I can only die once, so that'd be pretty bad...


    :^: feeling any better from the alcohol? I advise a lot of bread and water.

  13. I never said you weren't a good writer! :lol: I haven't started it yet. I will do now. :)


    And for a 16 year old £7 an hour = richness.

  14. Eh, I just ignore my problems anyway. I might complain to someone once or twice, but that's it. I never really drank alcohol to ease my problems, but when I was already drunk and something bad happened, all I wanted was more alcohol to make myself so drunk that I'd blank out or something. Bad, I know....

  15. McDonalds is hiring everywhere, and their pay is £7 an hour... but it's so embarrassing to degrade myself to working in there, I just can't :lol:


    And no, not yet. I tried to read t'other day, but I fell asleep at my laptop. >_> not saying your story is boring :lol: but I was tired.

  16. :lol: don't worry about it. Alcohol's just another one of those ironic things in life. It's good to have in small amounts, but if you over do it, you destroy the whole concept of drinking it.
  17. That'll be the alcohol making things seem worse than they actually are. ;)

    It's not that bad unless you say/do something stupid.

  18. You don't forget any problems when you drink. You either get more bogged down in them, or make a joke out of them... or tell the world, then wake up the next day and regret it deeply.


    I remember bits. Like falling over outside as my friend came out through the door, and I told him I was 'just sitting down'. Lmao. And my cat picture. And kissing two people who had girlfriends. :eyepop regret, regret, regret.

  19. Oh god, I feel sorry for them. Then again, they probably have more school kids than the UK has a whole population.


    I hate 'behind the scenes' in Japan and China. They're so cruel. :¬:

  20. Okay *starts over*


    I like invinsible characters even if they're evil.


    Haven't seen much of Mandy in the story, to judge, though.


    But I probably will, because she seems invinsible!



  21. My stories of how cool drinking is brought this upon you, didn't it! *said oh so dramatically*


    People just laugh at alcoholics these days, except for the AA (Alcoholics anonymous) - and they're just overly dramatic. :xp:

  22. It's a bit lame, but I was bored, and I have a new pen. :D I couldn't resist.


    America only have 4 years of high school? Pah, you people know nothing of stress lol we get five years, starting when we're 11... and it ain't pretty.


    I tend to like invisible characters, even if they're evil... I haven't really seen a LOT of Mandy was it? so I can't judge, but I most likely will. Damn you and your amazing characterisation.

  23. You can resist the alcohol all you want, but you shall fail! :xp:

    And no you're not setting a bad example, though you might feel alright now, but in a few minutes it'll hit you hard.

  24. http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4498856/1/Star_Wars_A_Story_of_the_Old_Republic


    This sprung from pure boredom... and if you're wondering how I got your last name, it was on Deviantart. ;)


    I probably won't even continue it, but I think you have the right to read something you're in!

  25. ps.




    I got bored and... before I knew it my hands started writing, as I was inspired by the dream I had of us three fighting sith :lol:


    I'm weak, I know...

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