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Everything posted by Burnseyy

  1. Pfft, so you're just reading our conversation?

    Now I'll have to accidently on purpose make fun of you, with him. :^:joke

  2. Sorry, didn't mean to annoy you. I'm just saying if I had the money myself, I'd spend it on the things I needed - an exercise is something I deem necessary. Maybe there's ways around the gym, but I don't have a lot of options.

  3. When I did have my bike, I used to cycle up to my school and back (my school is far-ish from my house) on weekends when I had nothing to do. Also, during my young teen stage, when I seemed to drive my dad crazy, I used to leave the house for hours at a time, just walking about the streets. It's not the same anymore - I can't just do those things. I can't explain why, though.


    Anyway, I'm off. At least you have the money to attend the gym - I say use it. Good night.

  4. Oh, I doubt it's going to be a choice for much longer... starting college and I've got an interview on Saturday. Happy days. :D


    And I do the same, just look at the top post or something - it's impossible not to... they're just asking to be read lol. But I don't just go round random peoples profiles reading their top posts... that's just strange...


    Anyway I'm off now. Night!

  5. I'll most likely read it tomorrow, when it isn't 3AM :D


    And I see... so you're an eavesdropper! Tut. Ah well, I guess that can be forgiven. Don't tell anyone, but I am too. :o

  6. Is this a way to compliment me into reading your next chapter? :xp:



  7. I don't buy Mcdonalds, too expensive, anyway. I usually go for Subway - cheaper AND healthier. :D I eat my 5 a day, exercise, and work hard in school - it'll pay off... one day. :¬: but as for now, I want money... not just for gym, but for nicer clothes, too. I'm a total girl when it comes to shopping...


    Last time I rode a bike (when sober) was almost 3 years ago. I bet I can't even ride one anymore :lol:

  8. Minimum wage for an adult is £5.60 I think... for under 18s it's £3.10. Big difference there! And I don't think people realise some 16 year olds are more capable than adults. :^: I just hope I get this job - I need it.


    I'm a klutz, so when I had rollerblades it didn't help much. I usually just came out in cuts and bruises lol. At least I could ride a bike, but some idiot nicked it from my own back garden, whilst I was in the house! :o

  9. Did Galaxies have a download, then? :lol:

  10. My bike was stolen, my rollerblades are too small, I can't skateboard, and the swimming pool is really far away. The gym isn't exactly around the corner, but now I'm 16, the prices go up, because i'm an "adult". Yeah, an adult who can't drive, gamble, buy drinks or cigarettes and has £3.10 for minimum wage! Hmf. We English 16 year olds aren't liked, much.


    I usually just dance in my house, run up the stairs 20 times, press ups, push ups, go for walks... but it's still not as good as a work out at the gym.

  11. As long as it doesn't get out of hand, then there's no reason to eat more. I'd hate to spend £4 every gym day just to eat a McDonalds, afterwards.


    Which is why I don't eat fast food often!


    But I've had no money lately, so I couldn't work out. :¬: but that's all changing, because I will get this job on Saturday.

  12. Have fun! Make sure to pick out the most unimportant mistakes and annoy me to death until I fix them. :)


    ...Now I can't stop listening to the Shrek 2 version of 'Holding out for a Hero'.


    Also... Revan's song = the ting tings "thats not my name"


    Oh god, I'm great. :lol: I'll stop now.

  13. I hate your school...

    Though once I wrote a 10 paged essay for my second day of school for History out of choice. Dunno what posessed me, but I got an A*, and I had to read it out. People were just GAWPING at me. >_>' some advice for you - enjoy it and it's easier. Might sound strange, but I have ways to make the most boring and laborious of tasks, fun. E.g. washing the dishes... put some blaring dance music on, and dance about in the kitchen whilst cleaning the pots to the beat. :D I know, I'm sad.


    Hmf, I've done all the work... you come up with some songs! :xp:

  14. That's so cruel! Why would people even TRY that experiment? Poor rats. :(


    Though dancing to music does make me care less about how hungry I am lol maybe there's something to it.


    Have you lost your appetite, forced it on yourself, or is it just habit? My mum once thought I was starving myself because I lost my appetite... but honestly, I just don't feel hungry in heat. :xp:

  15. :o Bastila's song = Holding out for a Hero - Bonnie Tyler.


    I know. I'm a genius.

  16. It's not really the same as High school... In high school I had about that many subjects, but now you're supposed to have 4. But I have 5, not including RE and enrichment classes and a job. They're crammed full of work, and each lesson takes 2 hours up in a day. College doens't have a 'full day schedule'... it's different. It's more difficult - so difficult, some people drop out. My cousin did, and she can't get a job now.


    Damn brainfarts :fist:

    I can't think of anymore, either, but they WILL come :lol: good one for Kreia, too!

  17. We're talking hottest room in the house, for some odd reason. It's useful in Winter, mind.

    Used to get nosebleeds all the time - once I even fainted from it :lol: what a great life I lead!


    (see, I can laugh about important things... )


    You starved? Or did you actually eat? That isn't a very healthy opinion you have there...

  18. It's been thirty minutes? Did I fall asleep without realising? :confused: that went very quick...


    I got a nosebleed, whilst you were away lol I think my rooms too hot! Have fun at dinner?

  19. Oh my god, your school starts tomorrow?! What kind of prison do you live in? :lol: mine starts on the 4th, and we still don't have lessons til the 8th. Booyah. But I discovered today (enrollment day) that because my grades are so high, that I'm being forced to do a fifth subject. :(


    Ohh, we so have to think of songs for all of the characters.

    Mira - celine dion - "all by myself*



  20. Psst. HOP.


    Disciple's song = "You're so gay" - Katy Perry.




    Thought you'd like to know :D

  21. It's not about gay pride. It's about someone she knows who acts like hes gay (camp, I guess), but he's not actually gay. :^: and besides... what's worse? singing a song about apparent homosexuality, or sueing someone because you can't take a joke? >_> blah.


    Speak to you later. I hope to see the story uploaded, whether soon or later. I'm going to work on my story tomorrow, and hopefully get QFR chapter 7 completed. If not, I'll work on my K3 piece.

  22. Your last chapter had 'a' in stead of 'I' and 'You' instead of 'I' at some points - make sure you get them all covered! :xp: and I'll tell you what's scary. At my school, I used to know a boy and he was the most annoying person ever - he tried to act like he was it, and tried to call my friends and I names... but we're just too good at witty comebacks. Anyway, just left school, looked in the newspaper a few weeks later and it says that he murdered his sister! To think I was around him, thinking I was just messing with yet another annoying kid. *shudder*


    There's a song, not sure if you've heard it, called 'you're so gay' by Katy Perry. It's a humour song, and I think it's absolutely hilarious that people have threatened to sue her, for abusing gay rights. Some people need to learn to take life a little less seriously.

  23. Well if you look at it on simpler terms... A bully would enjoy making a classmates life hell, and watching them get upset/angry. But if it happened to them, they would hate it. I don't think killing someone makes you less afraid of death, and if it does, they mustn't have been very afraid of death in the first place.


    Chances are, if everyone who had ever comitted a crime, were to just drop dead, I bet there'd be hardly anyone left on the planet. Including me!

  24. Funnily enough, they've got their freedom to lose, if they kill someone. Which is what everyone needs. I just don't get it. I couldn't kill even if I wanted to, so how can people do it for fun? Maybe they want to feel superior, maybe they enjoy being more 'powerful' or whatever.


    Freaks. :¬:


    No one can predict whether they'll kill again, but even if they do, that would make our leaders murderers ,if they just killed the murderer,. I believe that euthanasia should be allowed, but it can be twisted and exploited. I guess it'd be the same for a death sentence.

  25. Yeah, I'm not just going to cut someone out of the story, who I gave a name to. I think you'll notice in future events that, if I give someone a real name, they're of more importance than just an informative. That might not be the case sometimes, though.


    Half of the bounties Mira will come across will be unfair and just criminals in the Crime Lords eyes... like stealing from them, or something. But others will require a more intellectual approach, and a risk of death or no death. At first, anyway. Eventually, she'll gain skill enough to not need to kill her prey, but there's always the off chance...


    That issue's a difficult one. Is killing a murderer right? Well, if it's self defence, yeah, but if it's totally unprovoked, I don't think so. When I think about murderers, I just wonder what caused them such means to kill another person?

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