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Status Updates posted by CommanderQ

  1. Well, hopefully you can get that thingy woeking without causing a system crash on the game, but I'm sure you will. I'll have to check out Katrina as soon as she's available mod wise. :D

  2. Thank you, I was just being cautious due to that you get many people on the forum who sometimes may be offended by it. I'm glad to know, though. Whelp, that's my favorite holiday:D

  3. Whazzup, Rabish Bini?:D

  4. No worries, you don't have to, it's okay:D

  5. Heheh, I couldn't help it when I saw it:D I just watched Jackie Chan's "Legend of the Drunken Master." Heheh, inspiration:D

  6. Lol, you don't want to finish packing and cleaning?:D

  7. Whazzup, Mr. BFA! I haven't heard from ya in awhile! How was Christmas?:D

  8. Interesting, I know not on how this information got out...someone will be reprimanded for this failure! bwhahahahah!!:D

  9. Oh, don't worry, Karela won't feel a thing. It will be quick and painful. I like that:D And smileys are good for communicating points that sound scary, but please don't kill Akagi, I will post tomorrow and get him back with the story:D

  10. Heheh, this is awesome!:D Double thanks for that!:D

  11. COD:WOW is a ton of fun, isn't it, same goes with Force Unleashed {though the story could've been improved:D}


    Modern Warfare 2 is coming out? Oy! I did not know this!! I shall check it out, it will be awesome:D



    Rather, were have you been with the Shinobi and Order 66 RPs?:)

  13. Well, I'm doing good:D Life has been fun as I have been moving, and finally as well. We've been waiting quite a long time:D Besides that, Martial Arts has been getting alot more fun as I have moved up at a rapid rate...sparring with Black Belts is pretty fun as well, though it doesn't go without its scars *rubs bruise on face* :D


    Besides that, life has been pretty quiet, I have several ideas for some fics, but I have to get a rough draft going before I post 'em. Also looking forward to all the cool games that are coming out this summer...or this year, so it's fun:D

  14. Excellent work, Trigger!! I just looked at your thread, and needless to say, I'm very impressed:D You weren't kidding when you said you know how to put the 'glow' into the graphics! It certainly made everything look better!:)

  15. Ok, well, let me know if you have any questions :D

  16. Hey thanks, Chev :D I still have a pretty good where I am in the other RP's {and in Magical Strike Force I'm waiting for SkywalkerRules to post :D }, though a good reminder is what I needed :D I don't know what I'm going to do about Zombie War now....Smith is dead, and I suppose I should show Vlad reacting to this, but that thread is sort've becoming a Zombie itself....


    Well, thanks again :D

  17. WOW. That saber design is impressive....very very impressive. Congratulations on it, I hope you put it into your mods, that will download nicely....:D

  18. Very cool avvy, Bee! Is that the wuvvable teddy bear?:D


    A leader must be arsed? :D In my opinion, a leader should not be arsed but pave their own way to a solution, that is an example of a leader in my mind...but eh, being arsed may be apart of that:) Though alot of the world leaders seem....arsed:D


    So, some of you're friends are studying in the UK? Oy, that would make someone very melancholy indeed. So, were they home for the holiday? Visiting friends and family?


    Yeah, I guess I can relate to such sadness. Right after Christmas, the entire family needed to return to their different jobs and homes. I'm still pretty bummed, I won't see alot of them for awhile, but I'll see them again someday, that's a good thing to think of, in my opinion.:D


    So, how's life today?:D

  19. Oh, so this is the free one? Then indeed, MUAHAHAHAHAAHHAAHAH!!!!!:D I hope the harpness{I made that word up:D} goes well:D

  20. That's good to hear:D So, you're on your way to college? Got your eyes on any specific colleges right now?:D

  21. Notice, I tried...but he's not dead:D He saw himself as too dangerous to other people, so he saw that the only decision was to protect others by trying to destroy himself, but it won't work:D

  22. What is your personal opinion on the new Star Wars: The Old Republic, Bee?

  23. Sure, I'd like to join your rp, sounds like alot of fun. I'll go check it out now.

  24. Oh, umm, I think I may have to ask the typewriters to do some editing before tomorrow's post...oy.


    Well, here's a fairly obvious question, why are you with the SW force of politics? And have you ever considered joining with other groups, SSPP, maybe, or any of the others?

  25. You know, perhaps the reason no one is conking you is because...um...you may be slightly deserving of this punishment:D We know you too well to hit you:D


    Hee hee, just kidding..:D

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