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Everything posted by Trench

  1. I like that. :xp:


    Check your inbox.

  2. And you shall have it, and the rest.

  3. Madam Forge, you have returned.

  4. How many times must I tell you? I'm not fluent in Mando'a!




    What? This is the first time I've told you? Oh, right then. o_Q

  5. Nah! I'm asquare. :xp:


    What's up?

  6. Once, yeah. But they put it back. My hypnotic powers served me well. @_@

  7. The Mando you shall have.


    And my friend, it looks like your count has been nerfed. :whacked:

  8. That's some seriously nice skinning on the Alphas ner'vod. :D

  9. Thanks ner'vod. I was just about to ask for advice on where that was. :D

  10. Alright. I'll send them to your PM box straight-away.

  11. You've got yourself a sick sense of humor joker. :¬:



  12. Well if it isn't the clown prince of crime...

  13. That's because most default programs on WinXP don't read targas too well. Try opening them up with UnrealEd and applying them to the Trando Heavy.

  14. What are you trying to open them with? UnrealEd won't accept my .bmp's.

  15. Sweet. Can you resend me your email address? I lost it and just about every other contact when I moved to a new OS.

  16. Just an FYI, you set the Darth Vader video to private. Though it looks good based on the still shot. ;)

  17. You do realize Grammar Nazis troll people for using improper grammar right? :p

  18. Wow. That was a grammatical mess! :lol:

  19. wait wut? :p

    Getting closer! :D

  20. Time well spent IMO. Those sigs are beast. :D

  21. Vor'e ner'vod. And don't worry about it. :p

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