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Status Updates posted by Trench

  1. :smirk2:

    Hmmm... YouTube is telling me that the link had a malformed video ID:giveup:

  2. :tsk:

    Next time post it in Ahto, they might let it go longer before threadlock.:p

  3. :woo:

    Numa Numa!


    I win:D

  4. :xp: Two words:

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    Alpha Channel


  5. picture.php?albumid=377&pictureid=3504

    An improvement that glows:D

  6. picture.php?albumid=377&pictureid=3642


    I did these two relatively easily. The other one will take longer due to its odd lighting conditions. The lighting somehow messes up the negative effect around the helmet and visor. I hope ou like these in the meantime:D.

  7. picture.php?albumid=377&pictureid=3648

    Here it is:D

  8. picture.php?albumid=516&pictureid=7191


    See how that whets your whistle. I'll need a bit more time to figure out how to recreate the original one exactly.

  9. revan.png

    This one, if you please. Many thanks.

  10. <_<

    Happy birthday Administrator I don't know


  11. Nachos!:D

    I can be random too:p

  12. I AM BOTH!!!!! I control, the Ub3r l33tz!:xp:



  13. Total world domination will be ours!!!!!:D

    I'll work on adding the lines into the .2da files instead of our current situation.

  14. WHAT?!!!! How did you discover my evil plans?!:xp:



  15. !!!WRONG!!!

    My worst fear is not being able to properly communicate should a cute girl ever want to engage in conversation with me.:xp:

  16. U CHECK IT!!!!!


    Gotta go, later bro.

  17. Idea: You + Name: Te Demongo Mand'alor =

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  18. Mod Status

    The mod has only a few bothersome issues that keep it from being perfect.


    The Wookiee combat animations make him look like an actual melee combat assassin.

    While wielding two weapons he is almost unaffected by clipping issues.

    The sheer awesomeness of HK-47 using a pair of lightsabers.



    While wielding melee weapons, there are some clipping issues, such as the arms coming out of their sockets and floating.

    He has the weapon placement issues typical to the Wookiee model.

    Me not knowing how to resolve the floating issues:(.


    This mod is great bro, and I hope you, or someone who discovers your thread is able to fix the floating arm issues.

  19. Name (Appropriate Nickname) - Meaning in Mando'a


    Je'karta (Je'k/Jek) - Vengeful.

    Mirdala (Mird'ika/Mird) - Intelligent, Clever.

    Atin - Stubborn.

    Ori (Or'ika) - Big, Extreme.

    Sol'yc (Sol'ika) - First.

    Aay'han - Bittersweet moment of mourning and joy - "remembering and celebration".

    A'den (Ad'ika) - Wrath, Rage.

    Beviin (Bev'ika) - Lance.


    Sort through these. If these aren't enough, I'll be able to get more.

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