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Status Updates posted by Trench

  1. I'd have to ask Darth Jacen.:giveup:

    I'm sure he'll let you on...

  2. I'll be offline till about 10:00 tonight (central). Let me know if anything cool happens.

    Mand'alor out...

  3. I'll do that. Then I'll unleash my evil plan to get a badge. :ninja2:

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  4. I'll sign up today:D

    But I'm not too familiar with all the species of Star Trek, so correct me if I choose an off limits one.:p

  5. I'm doing pretty well myself.:D


    [Joking]Since the muffin man knows you, could you place a special order for me?:p[/Joking]



  6. I'm homeschooled. And for the original pic, go here:


  7. I'm not sure, but it might be best if we don't discuss it. The moderators might not approve.

    Also, I didn't know you would be using that pic as your avvy, would you like me to resize it?

  8. I'm not the only Taung here!


    *points at scavvy's avatar*



  9. I've been nerfed to Lurker as well:(



  10. I've heard of it but that's about it. I actually have yet to successfully UV map something.

    Maybe you could check out Holowan Labs (http://www.lucasforums.com/forumdisplay.php?f=324) and if you don't find answers in the existing threads, you could start your own.

  11. If it is attached to your body above the chest, it is a head! :xp:



  12. If it's possible he knows where you live, get a gun. Shotguns are easy to get in most states (usually a 24 hour waiting period for those eligible to purchase). I'd go for a Remington 870 Express. 18-inch barrel with a 6-round capacity. I've got one, and I love it.

    That may be taking it pretty far, but it's better to have something and not need it than to need something and not have it. Plus, guns are fun.


    If he's sent you any messages on any forums or websites, forward them to the mods. Save them to possibly present to the authorities if he gets really serious.

  13. If this works you are my new hero:bow:

    If not, your still my hero (for making the awesome RC skins:D)

  14. If you want to get the armor then enter: giveitem cand_armor

    For the helmet (which is only wearable by Canderis): giveitem cand_helm

    Canderis should come with the helmet in his inventory when you meet him. He will probably only take on his helmetless appearance when he joins your party on Onderon though.

  15. If you're using a Microsoft windows computer, it should have "Paint" installed by default. MS Paint is a low quality program, so I would recommend doing a google search for GIMP. It's a much better program and it's completely free.

    After you copy/paste it you save it, and add the .JPEG file extension to the file name. A jpeg file is a small web friendly file.

  16. If your comp breaks down or you want to put the game on another, you can do that. All you need is a few minutes with a wifi connection and the password to your Steam account. I put JKA on two comps.

    And nice work on the character. :D

  17. Imma devourin ya lazor!


  18. Isn't it?


    *sends Clint Eastwood and Morgan Freeman after CQ*





  19. It sits atop your head, its hair! :xp:



  20. It was nice. I got quite a few nice little trinkets as reminders.:D


    Optional Query: How many times would you estimate that you have visited my site?

  21. It would probably be more realistic if our mandos worked lower on the chain. Cassus Fett was Mand'alor's right hand man, but Fett could've had numerous cronies.


    If you live in the US, then you can most likely get a good deal on KotOR at Target. It comes in the Best of PC pack, along with JKO, BF1, RC (with UnrealEd), and EAW.

  22. It's not much, but I highlighted a couple of the harder parts to find. As for how to skin the should pads separately. I don't know. You'd probably have to take a close look at the squad skins for that one.

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  23. Its a violation of the EULA to use content from one game in another. I don't know why though, as it would be cool to do if it were allowed. But it may be best if we do not speak of such things.



    The mods are watching...


  24. Its got a grainy outline which I can remove if you like.

    Depending on what your using if for, you might not be able to notice the outline at all.


  25. Its war then!


    *Points his Concussion Rifle at CQ and begins charging*

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