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Status Updates posted by Trench

  1. Do you have the KTool yet?

  2. Do you know what font was used in the Team Hssiss logo?

  3. Do you know what happened?

  4. Do you look anything like your new avvy?:xp:

  5. Do you mean invert the colors of the image? Or its position (flip left and right, up and down).

  6. Do you mind if I make a slight alteration to it? I'm hoping to add a rounded border and maybe a couple of red shaders...:D

  7. Do you still appose the true leader of the Mando'ade?

  8. Do you think there are other files needed for the Boba models to work? I've never used the mod so I can't be sure.

  9. Do you think you could make me something like the Code of the Sith wallpaper in a dark grey with some wisps of silver here and there? :)

  10. Do you want .blend files with textures, or .obj files with textures?

  11. Does it work with XP?

  12. Does the hat come with gravy as well?

  13. Does thou sayest I should speaketh of mine self?

  14. Don't enjoy'em too much kid. People get addicted to those. >_>

  15. Don't even say that ner'vod! :eek:

  16. Don't get too excited.:p I'm doing the red on first. After this the black will be a cinch, then comes the yellow. In a way I am almost done, since you can just modify what you've already done for the next skin.:D

  17. Don't know. The ban looks permanent, but I talked to D333 about the possible circumstances surrounding it.

  18. Don't let the roosters skin your legs!:xp:

  19. Don't make the change. You still need to be payback.

  20. Don't worry about it man.

  21. Don't worry about it:D. You and I seem to have similar opinions on a lot of things. Your lying thread was one example. Even though I didn't post, I agreed with much of what you said.

  22. Don't worry about this project ending my friend:p. Marius always points out problems in the reviews (he does it nicely), and it makes you want to fix them all the more.:D

  23. Don't worry, I'll catch up. Next stop: Custom title! Woohoo!:xp:

  24. Don't worry, the mod is coming along. I'm almost done, I was thinking of doing a unique sort of "neon" theme for the Mandalorian commander on Kashyyyk. It seems like it would fit with his testing the stealth belts. Kind of like its painted with a stealth field enhancing resin.

  25. Don't you at least want to see it?:nod:

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