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Status Updates posted by HockeyGoalie35

  1. luckily its a quicky install

  2. :p forgot to install it eh?
  3. yup! make sure the settings save

  4. thats why, start the game, and go to options, graphics and set bumpmapping to "LOW"

  5. have you tried going into the settings and turning bumpmapping to low?

  6. haha. well im an Republic Commando Modder so i am against force users

  7. im guessing you like revan? hes my fave jedi/sith. i dont like jedi and sith in general though....

  8. well, like one of the quotes say, hard work hasnt killed yet, but why take the chance?

  9. Thanks! i plan to please :D

  10. Hey, im wondering, do you ever check out the badge thread?

    if so, can you look over my nomination?

    thanks again

  11. i import them as .bmp by going file, import....and i fill out the box, click ok


    uploading now

  12. i think in order for it to glow, it needs to be solid color. like the paint bucket

  13. ok sure, ill pack it together now. but theres a 50/50 chance the mando helmet wont work

  14. I love the computer quote.


    heres mine "computers are like aircondtioners, they crash when you open windows"

  15. ah ok. that explains it. Thanks for the headsup!

  16. hey astor, i noticed that last 10 posts or so were not added to my post count. it says i have 327 but i should have 337

    any reason why?


  17. just the textures? you know how to import them right?

  18. Being the mod who gave me my first,

    i know you dont check the badge forum everyday, but i got my first badge a month later. do you mind checking them out?


    thanks :D

  19. i was reading the badge rules, and i dont know if pictures count.....i think they have to be threads....so when you have a minute, could you add this?



  20. its not really FOR anything....its just shows that the user has done somthing good.....

  21. vetran modder. i already have the helpful badge

  22. the helmet and the clone cannot be in the same texture

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