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Status Updates posted by HockeyGoalie35

  1. just a question, do you know how to mod RC? we're trying to revive the forums.....oh and I am NOT a noob, thank you very much (refering to the converstation with BokkenBlader) o_Q

  2. hey whas up? you havnt been responding to my emails

  3. if you don't mind, im going to take the sight off your launcher and put it on the current one

  4. about the picture, you need to invert the polygons before exporting so it doenst look incomplete like in your photo(i can see the inside)

  5. yup! just made hudarms for it :D

  6. if you can convert it for me, sure

  7. ah, i like this model MWHAHAHAHAHA, ill get some screenies ASAP...did you see the new verpine?

  8. did you convert it?

  9. posting screenies now

  10. check out new weaopns thread

  11. i cant use .3ds, i can only use .obj

  12. That's what I use, but the obj won't import into csi...the program I use to turn it into a .ase(unreal)

  13. D'oh! none of them work :(

  14. damn, the second one wont go into XSI (what i use to convert it) ill try the first one

  15. i did it though, what you gotta do is do a "create from selected"


    with the new one, go into the animation browser and attach it usgin sockets


    if it isnt aligned,


    bring it intoa map, and rotate it as neccesary, and then right click it and selct convert, to tstatic mesh and then type in its path and then it should be rotated right

  16. i like the second one better, mind if i use that? i COULD use the first one as a rocket launcher?

  17. can you find me the Bf2 mortar launcher?



    ill edit it

  18. you think you can make it only one texture?

  19. i like it! send mia link nao!

  20. im finding a new way,

    make it an accessory , attach to head :D

  21. ill send you one, whats your email?

  22. ok ill play around with it.....how about the heavytrando projectiles?

  23. i dont know my verpine specs so here's a few questions.....


    1. what did it typicaly shoot?

    2. what was its rate of fire

    3. was it like, one shot, one reload etc.

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