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Status Updates posted by HockeyGoalie35

  1. I think it's a great idea! Should I contact him or should you?

  2. with Gimp, i was able to make these:



  3. It's in unreeled, but I need to rotate it

  4. never mind, i found a new one, ill post screenies on the new weapons thread

  5. OK no problem! I got all summer long :p

  6. well, abou the mandos, those were like v1,(before i knew how to use GIMP)

    this is what i made about a month ago:


  7. I am now


    EDIT: *sigh nope, won sow up in the editor

  8. look at your thread, you may remember me :thumbsup:

  9. hah im doin that now, think you can find meh a pauldron?

  10. send "faceless texture" to hockeygoalie35@comcast.net plzz


  11. ok finished check new weapons thread in like 10 mins

  12. i almost got it....you think you can find a standalone pauldron?


  13. think you can find me a kama? the BF2 ones are one sided, so you can only see it from a certain angle(or else its invisible)

  14. seems like a good idea! ill try it out!

  15. sure, give me the model. just wonderin, wat is it of?

  16. aw that stinks, but sure no prob i got plentty of time :D

    ill refine them, and then send em

  17. when you click on it, there is a whole bunch of rings around it right?

    click the blue one, and then hold control, "right mouse" to rotate Z axis

    click the Green one for the Y axis

    click the Red for the X axis

  18. ok thanks, i was going to ask, if i send you some skins, will you munge 'em up for me?

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