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Status Updates posted by HockeyGoalie35

  1. check out the latest post in the skinnin discusion!!! i did it!

  2. its the first day we had NO replys to CM

  3. Ha! yea i guess, i waitd about 2 weeks, then i said, you know what? scr@w this :lol:

  4. haha no prob. i didn't say anything because i didn't wanna sound like a whiney noob, you know?

  5. thanks for nominating me, at long last, i have the helpful badge

  6. hey, k1, whats new? just wonderin why you arn't hangin around cabonite modders......we have made HUGE progress

  7. yea, that happens somtimes to me too....its realy weird

  8. open the "customize Commando menu" actor, tehn in the box, open the customize Commando TAB. inside there should be one called "optionLabels".


    open the one with the number [1] and scroll down to the TEXT cell, and change it..... i changed it to "Armor"

  9. Thanks for the badge, I appreciate it! :D

  10. yea that, and thanks for showin me the menu, that helped ALOT, but um.....do u know how to make dc15 hudarms?

  11. DUDE!


    A: how did u get that mesh in-game?


    B: what effects were the shot effects used?

  12. check out the las tpage here, me and some guys are workin on this: http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=200177

  13. thanks dude! i kept the lightning bolt (:p)and stripes, while incorperated into my skin

  14. now look at the skinning discussion.....u like?

  15. we got new hudarms and a new squad if u havnt seen :D

  16. im workin on a blkoth like mecenary said, the face stripes on my guy, a compirmise...

  17. yea, didn't that happen to you as well?

  18. ooh ooh me! me! ill take the mando!


    and i just noticed my post count went down from like 230 to 209

  19. nvm, i got ur venvul

  20. thanks, im workin on a Cody skins, and ill show urs with it and balkoths...

  21. can i have the texture?

  22. hey dude, check out the like, last 3 pages of the skinning disscusion....me, balkoth and Bralor have been crankin out skins

  23. i made a commander Cody skin, should i post it on the discusion?

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