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Status Updates posted by HockeyGoalie35

  1. english puleeze?

  2. hey revan, do you mind making the sig i requested?


  3. love the intro, could you add a pic of the CM clone logo in it, render it in high quality, and ill add that at the begining of every video :D

  4. For the mesh, it's under pawn, displayed advanced then mesh, right?

  5. hey, we need an update soon!

  6. you can create yor own account there

  7. if you want, you can be tech support, i just don't know what the job would consist of thats all

  8. what do you mean "join as tech suport"?

    and we have 3 so far (decent ones) but i havnt incorperated them in yet, i still need more time to add some more scripting

  9. i dnt mean to be one, but, its the truth WE HAVNT RELEASED ANOTHER VERSION, WE ARE HOPING BY SOMTIME JUNE to release it

  10. of course not :D..... why do you want ther to be?

  11. do they have anything to do with RC?

  12. we havnt released the next one yet, that will be out hopefully this June

  13. that skin is SICK! can you send it to me?

  14. you have to uncheck the "show placeble actors only"

  15. ok sure, go to inventory>CTWeapon Recharging>DC15 pistol


    then open the hidden tab, one of the first cells says ammunition type, click the dropdown and switch it to TrandoUziAmmo.....save and play :thumbsup:

  16. well, you could link a new texture to each thing, the static mesh is under Weapons>Accessories

  17. the clone trooper uses the normal clone trooper texture


    the clone commando one uses "clonecommandowhite"

  18. whats wrong with the flamer :p

  19. any static mesh at this point yea but for now, i have to get rid of the trando uzi becaise i dont know how to make a new mesh

  20. not bad eh? it's just a test for now, you think i deserve an achievement? :sign2:

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