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Status Updates posted by HockeyGoalie35



    no but i know what you mean.....

    anyway working on a rangefinder. checkt he newweaps thread in like 10 mins for screenies

  2. no, make a new file with only the trooper no helmet mesh in it


    make a notify and the effectclass will be the helmet

    attach to head and ajust

  3. ooh, i see lots of things to try!

  4. i did that with the clone package, troopernohlemet

  5. hey the links dont work

  6. i'll throw in a wall mount absolutly free if you call now

  7. how much $$$ a head ? will you pay me more if it comes with a mount and stand?

  8. ok cool, im extracting the head from the bf2 mesh now.....i sound like a surgeon

  9. well, if you don't mind waiting like an hour, im working on a 2nd airborne if you want him too?

  10. how do i save somthing as a seperate property file?

  11. is this big enough?



  12. i got it in, post screenies in a sec and made the z6 longer

  13. no, but if it has one basic texture, it should be fine

  14. the texture doesnt fit, its just ALL over the place

  15. hey, the DC 15a's texture doesnt work right

  16. where are you finding these meshes?

  17. hehehehe ill see what i can do >:D

  18. i will when i get the chance

  19. well, i need that model converted to a .3ds

  20. send me the link?


    and also, when you make a new layer for the paint, do you use grainextract or what kind?


  21. here's what we're working on: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OS4-bpHiWZA

    enjoy! the mod should be out this summer

  22. i dunno, i cant get a 'legit' flashlight working instead of the "lowlight visor"

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