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Status Updates posted by HockeyGoalie35

  1. ill take them once again :D

  2. here dude: http://www.filefront.com/16097403/for%20mirdala.zip


    the helmetless trooper is comprised of the clone trooper AND Clone Adult

  3. i finished the map today

  4. well, he plays SUCH a LITTLE role in the game..

  5. well, grievous doesnt work because he has a mesh, but no "bones". nor does he have any animations other than the head turn

  6. I like they Avy, did you happen to read the KOTOR series?

  7. i aplogize for that, i forgot that it had that because it just ripped it from the back of my computer, it wont happen again :(

  8. what was that all about?

  9. well, turrets dont show up in mp if i was looking at you in a turret, you would be in mid-air

  10. ....i just cant win can i?

  11. do the points count for ME?? i said it was epic :giveup:

  12. sure, but you need to fix the path it installs to, it installs only to the RC directory, not the map folder

  13. now look, is THAT better?

  14. all right cool, ill ask tonight :thumbsup:

  15. ok it worked thanks! and tell aramus i said thanks for checkin it out!

  16. How do u over ride the ragdoll?

  17. well how did you do it? instructions please?

  18. happy after-bday :p

  19. did u make that seeker droid thingy? how?

  20. hey, check out the thread, "ever wonder?"

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