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Te Darasuum Mandalor

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Everything posted by Te Darasuum Mandalor

  1. i gotta go! Srry, check out the private group, there you can see a list of all the party members.

  2. can u go back to the chat room now?

  3. do you want to join my public group for my mod?

  4. I have been listening to LucasCast lately and you, DarthGroovy, and Lynk were the funniest!

  5. did u see the wacky discussion topic this month?

  6. DONE! Srry, typo. I will be ready when u r.

  7. you are going to do an OT? what does that stand for? Is it a mini TC?

  8. wanna go to the chat room buddy?

  9. I added you as a friend on youtube, Jean.

  10. I added you as a friend on youtube.

  11. can u model me a weapon? I am just about ready.

  12. canu add me to the VIP update list?

  13. why don't you go wild in our mod social groups? I am curious to see upcoming stuff in your mod and I am curious to see what you think of mine. You can also post in the WIP thread.

  14. do you want to post something in my social group or WIP thread?

  15. wanna post in my WIP thread or social group?

  16. did u email me your VO's yet Kreia?

  17. I think I have decided that The Emperor won't have a voice actor, but will instead have that creepy Nihilus voice.


    What kind of modding can you do?

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