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Te Darasuum Mandalor

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Everything posted by Te Darasuum Mandalor

  1. actually, JM is already playing Kahim.

  2. ohh, yes, I see that. I just sent you the lines.

  3. who would you like to audition for? Check in my social group.

  4. good night. I am abou to watch some movie called Slumdog Millionaire. I heard it was good.

  5. I just love all of your historic British Avatars! The history of your country fascinates me alot in so many ways.


    1. England Influenced The USA in many ways and customs


    2. Alot of the coolest people came from England (my favorites....Admiral Nelson, King Arthur, Winston Churchill, Patrick O'brian)


    3. I am an Episcipalian and King Henry VIII founded it (Anglicanism).


    4. My ancestors come from England and Wales, and Scotland, and Ireland.


    5. Country is beautiful.


    6. British accents are cool! I used to be able to speak with an accent.


  7. who is your avatar now?

  8. sorry, (plz don't report me about that) I was just having some fun. I will erase it.

  9. i never took credit of your work!

  10. yes, I began moddeling some areas.

  11. What do you want to help me with on my mod?

  12. can u help me with my mod JediShem?

  13. were you inspired by Trex's TJM tc mod? It was amazing minus tthe poor voice acting. Can you do another contest to see who can create an original character...An original minor villian or something?

  14. ahh yes! Now I remember.

  15. who r the party members in your mod?

  16. can u start a thread about Classical Philosofy?

  17. can u plz email me the main menu so far?

  18. you called Tressk "Tenneth" in one of your albums! LOL

  19. actually, most of those pics were Dak Drexl. I did a few though :)


    Can't wait for your power miners movie too! I am almost done moddeling some areas as well.

  20. ty for saying I would be a valuble team member once you begin modding again! That was very kind of you (assuming you meant me)

  21. is your computer working fine, but the screen is so dark you can't see anything? That happened to me.

  22. GREAT! Many skins have already been done, we are beggining to create some modules, and I am recruiting voice actors. Stage 1 Beta Test should be ready by summer at the earliest. December is more probable though. I will create a public group you can join if interested.

  23. A TC is a "total conversion" which makes an entirely new story. I'll invite you.

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