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Te Darasuum Mandalor

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Status Updates posted by Te Darasuum Mandalor

  1. wanna make my launcher? I'll send the concept art to you.

  2. wanna post in my WIP thread or social group?

  3. wanna RP with me? Its my new Star Trek one.

  4. wanna voice for my mod? You did a good mandalorian voice in BOSSR.

  5. want some virtual pudding? I am making some right now.

  6. Was he related anyway to Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of Britain from 1940-1945 and again from 1950-1955?

  7. we can always do video chat or the chat room.

  8. we have 32 inches of snow! And to make matters worse, there is too much to play in (how ironic) and even worse, the basket ball game I was supposed to go to tonite was cancelled! This snow will probably stay till march.

  9. we still doing pirates.

  10. We're still working out the minor details. Do you want to help with voice acting?

  11. welcome back to forums, Caleb.

  12. Welcome to Lucas Forums bud! I'm Te Darasuum Mand'alor, another forum dude and I'll be your first friend!

  13. well, happy modding on whoever I told you to work on.

  14. well, there are new ones! 3 new dudes!

  15. were you inspired by Trex's TJM tc mod? It was amazing minus tthe poor voice acting. Can you do another contest to see who can create an original character...An original minor villian or something?

  16. what about Mical? Send me lines for both I guess.

  17. what about your NJO chat room?

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