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Te Darasuum Mandalor

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Status Updates posted by Te Darasuum Mandalor

  1. This is fun, next rp is up!

  2. my next rp post is out, it should be fun. Wanna friend me?

  3. Why is your name disbeliever?

  4. final chapter of SW Christmas Carol is out!

  5. One of my lead writers left, so, welcome aboard! I'll send a invite to you

  6. wanna join my mod team? I'm working on a TC and I'm very passionite about it.

  7. I did? Maybe I did, huh. Well I guess I'm asking a second time. Its fine if ya say no, but you seem to be a descent modder.

  8. wanna help with my TC mod? Tell me what your good at and I'll apply you for a job!

  9. Can you help make custom items for my mod?

  10. Can you help me with my TC mod? I was told you'd help.

  11. Wanna help me in my new epic TC? It involves finding Revan and involves many plot twists.

  12. why the heck did corsair take command of Karath's fleet!? Please tell him it was Malak's duty!

  13. I need help in the Jedi Masters mod! HK-47 won't give me any more scrambler cards.

  14. The Jedi masters mod is epic! However, are you planning on doing any Vos any time soon. That aspect of the game was poorly done. Other than that, the storyiline rocks!

  15. I'll do it when I have time. Its now time for school.

  16. I'm sorry if I did something wrong in our RP. What really confused me is that the rp doesen't at all fit in with SW canon! Everybody knows that Malak attacked Telos, not anybody by the name of Corsair. Can you at least rethink that?

  17. i was wondering, when i reach my 1000'th post, if I could get my thing to say I am NOT the LAW!?

  18. Actually, the storyiline is rather good. They are still working on VAing. Ok I'll pm you my email in a sec.

  19. if there is only one more, can I be on it like Vickey? Also, have you ever played the Jedi Masters TC? Its rather good, exept, there is very poor voice acting, actually there isn't really any at all exept a few lines! They are still in that process, but the game is complete. Well, off to bed! Talk to ya later I guess. I'll send you my HK lines soon. Hows it comin' along?

  20. when is the best time to recruit Voice Actors? Should I finish the modding process first?

  21. hows it going! I love your modcasts too.

  22. how would ya like to help me work on the best TC mod ever?

  23. probably because handmaidens are hot and cool!

  24. make middle earth, the uknown regions, and Aragorn is Revan's cousin! He goes and visits him. LOTR and SW are two of the best Sagas ever!

  25. sure you can. But remember, only 3 characters or whatever i said in the rules, i think it may be four. Be sure to use them both if you make a second one though. Feel free to try my mando. wars casting call as well!

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