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Mandalorian Mercenary

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Status Updates posted by Mandalorian Mercenary

  1. oh ok :) Well if you need any more let me know.

  2. oh you mean my pants. wait what?! I didn't say anything! hahaha xD jk jk! :p

  3. Oh, it's mandalorian for "my brother". :) If your interested, here's the rest of the language! http://www.thedentedhelmet.com/f34/mandoa-dictionary-28417/

  4. ohh could you make a tutorial on how to make new hudarms? I saw that you posted some stuff about it on Hockey's profile..

  5. ohhh what arc trooper rifle? You are a busy boy..

  6. ohhhhhhhh okay thanks!!! :D

  7. Oops :p And do you know of any accessory in republic commando that resembles a rebel pilot helmet?

  8. pretty good. how about you?

  9. Profile pic...is....HOT! :p

  10. reading the ranger's apprentices series

  11. Righto, will do. And if you need any skins, you know where to find me.

  12. Saw that awesome pic you posted on Hockey's profile, is that a gun you guys are thinking about importing? ^^

  13. saw that pic on Hocky's profile, awesome work ner vod! what is it? :p

  14. Sent you the skins, I have. Mhmm.

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