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Mandalorian Mercenary

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Status Updates posted by Mandalorian Mercenary

  1. what do you use to make your little sprite people? :p

  2. Hey ner vod, could you post the 501st skin I emailed you when you get the chance? Thanks! :)

  3. :o if you could, that'd be great! :D
  4. Well, if you're interested in it (it's a great language to insult people in ;) here's a link: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Mando%27a

  5. I'd be glad to, if you have a PS3 and when they get blasted PSN back up xD

  6. Ahhhhh :D well it's good to have you back on LF ner vod

  7. Hey ner vod, do you happen to have the plugin for google sketchup that lets me get the texture for the weapon model I'm trying to get into RC? I also need to figure out how to export it as an .ase file..

  8. Mhmm, I could make a mass response to my posts; but it seems more meaningful if I thank all of em. Just my opinion :)


    So I assume you are graduating this year?


    And that's really neat how you're going to play bass in church! Wish I could do that. Though I probably shall stick to my archery and sporadic visual basic programming..


    So how long have you been saved?

  9. Could you send me the link for that plugin for sketchup?

  10. sure is! we're all mando freaks here :p

  11. How goes the clone trooper vs. battle droid MP mod?


    Just so you know, HockeyGoalie figured out how to get the SBD arm into the hudarms set :D I assume he did it the same way your clan got the B1 battle droid arm in to the usable hudarms?

  12. Hey vod, do you have a link to a pic of where all the different armor pieces on the clone toroper skin are?

  13. Hey, how goes the ECHO mod? Tell Skip I said hi!

  14. What happened to the LF Christians group?! :(

  15. Thanks a bunch :D You bet I will, just tell me how!

  16. Do you have a rough plot outline I could use to write a story about Alpha Squad? I love writing detailed stories, but I have a hard time thinking of a good plot :p

  17. Thanks again! I'll check it out soon, sure it'll be great. :D

  18. Happy birthday ner vod!

  19. K i recorded em already, just haven't added the helmet effect.

  20. hey ner vod, the pics of the skins you made won't open :( can you try sending 'em as a bmp file or something?

  21. Thanks ner vod, Prudii actually gave me the link to XSI :D


    And could you make a group youtube channel for the whole of CM? Everyone wanted you to do it :p

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