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Fair Strides 2

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Status Updates posted by Fair Strides 2

  1. Yeah, that sounds like a good time.

  2. Can I release a TSLPatcher version of your TSL tweak mod? I put it all into tslpatcher and tested it. It works. Need permission to post at http://www.Deadlystream.com and http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.com/ Thanks!

  3. For your Juhani skin and saber pack, I could make a script that won't interfere with the game, but will add the saber to her when you load the grove. You interested? Please PM me, if so.

  4. Sorry to bother you, but could you perhaps send Travis(tk102) a message over Steam? I have emailed him in the past and send him a message over LinkedIn once, but have recieved no reply. I'd like to ask him if he's fine with me releasing a 3.3.4 version of KSE, since he released the source code with it and hasn't shown much interest in it for a while. I'd appreciate it a lot Jae.


    P.S: Always have enjoyed reading your posts, even if I rarely stray out of the Labs of Holowan.

  5. Was the update to your sell out the full yavin zip?

  6. Hmm. Thanks, Jae. I appreciate it a lot. Mind telling/linking me to his facebook?


    I appreciate having his physical permission, as I was afraid it'd come back to bite me otherwise.

  7. Since you have more experience with Local Booleans and Numbers, I figured I'd ask you...


    Is there any reason why a call to SetLocalNumber(<Object>, 13[or 12, 14, 20, 30, 31], <value>); won't actually set the freaking value...?! Been banging my head against the wall for a little while about that.


    It's REALLY screwing up my scripting for K1R...

  8. *sigh*


    Well, I'll switch it to a Global then...


    As a side note, guess what else doesn't work?


    In stringtokens.2da, it has <he/she> and <He/She>; the value is switched based on gender, and the capitalization can't be changed. The issue is that when my female character encountered the capitalized version, it didn't show She, while the lowercase one did...


    Hence, I had to set a custom token to do that...:(

  9. Well, I learned something new...


    Apparently, ++-ing a variable that equals 0 doesn't change it. + 1 does though.


    This isn't why the locals weren't working, but still...

  10. Could you PM a general walkthrough of what you did to the alien TSL heads?


    I'd like to attempt the same for K1...

  11. Bad news guys. As of the 21st of June, I will no longer have internet access. :( I will still try to work on mods, using the resources at my disposal, but I will be off the modding scene for a long, unkown, time. I'll be posting a "What happened" thread when I get back, so I can figure out what's happened since I left. Thanks for the fun, guys.

  12. So, could you look at my post in the New Game + thread and get back to me?


    I had asked which keys didn't allow the Delete key and a few other things. I'm waiting on that feedback to release KSE...

  13. Mind sending me your saved game? I can try to fix it with KSE.

  14. Given what I believe the issue is...language shouldn't be a problem at all.


    Mind packing it up in a .zip or .7z and emailing it to me? tristongoucher@gmail.com


    And a small list of your currently-installed mods?

  15. Been a while since we talked, Cris. I was wondering if you had ever gotten around to packing up those mods you had archived? Hope to see you on soon.

  16. Sorry for messaging you so much, har, but...



    Links won't redirect properly. I'm using Mozilla Firefox, if that matters.

  17. Me again, Jae. I know what the answer will probably be, but could you ask Tk102 if I could release a new version of DLG Editor? The only new feature is an autosave option...

  18. Well, I'll fix the save, but a note for the future:


    The USM compatability patch works with 1.8.1, but not 1.8.2...

  19. Hey Trex! It's been awhile, hasn't it?:)


    So whatcha been up lately, besides the pervasive and dreaded RL?:)

  20. I'm sorry, but I've been overwhelmed recently with modding, so I'm taking a break. And when I come back, there's several projects that need my attention.

  21. Yo Trex, I was reading a tutorial in the General Section, and I might have some help for your bik vid issue. You mentioned that they looked like crap in-game, but fine before the conversion, yes?


    "...When you make your movie, you have to have it rendered at 1600 x 1200 or else it will look like major crap in Kotor. When you make your movie, compress it to an AVI or WMA and open up Bink and Smacker. Bink the video you just made and put it in your Movies folder in your SWKOTOR subdirectory. Don’t worry about 2da editing as you would only need to edit a 2da if you wanted it displayed under movies in the start up screen.


    To play it on your mod at a certain point you will have to use a script. There is an example of this on Holowan Labs by me and Darth333."

  22. Well, I didn't see anything wrong with the saved-game. Could you send me your 301Nar files from the modules folder?

  23. Hehehe! Now I see why you wanted to protect the modders involved.


    Still, I hope to use some parts of the mod for my project. Specifically, I wanna see if RedRob41 put the hair from the Belaya model on a different head...

  24. Did he say with what? Are you referring to the Belaya head-hair thing, the ***SNIP***, or Scrapyard Games?


    Or is this just a general "What can I help with?" thing?

  25. Hey VP. LF says your private message quota is reached. Can you clear space for one message? Thanks!

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