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  1. Yeah, I figured that out today myself as well. But still, any concept art would be interesting to see. I cannot imagine that they did almost no concept graphics on paper. And what about the newer Indy games? There should definitely be something out there.
  2. I was wondering if there is any concept art circulating around - especially for the old Lucasfilm games / LucasArts adventures. In particular I am interested in the greatest adventure game of al time: Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis. While its predecessor The Last Crusade was probably created without any concept art in mind = directly on computer, the background art in Fate of Atlantis looks like like there were proper backgrounds first drawn and then scanned and rendered down to fit the 256 color palette. And of course the concept paintings are also interesting to be seen, as well as anything which helps to understand how this fantastic game was developed. Unfortunately there is not much circulating around, But there's been a couple intense interviews in the recent past with Noah Falstein and Hal Barwood. So maybe something may have finally surfaced. And that's why I am reaching out here. Also all the other games are quite interesting as well. Especially with the new game The Great Circle on the horizon it would be nice to revive the oldies once again.
  3. There really should have been an artbook or making of book released. It’s a real shame that hasn’t happened.
  4. How is one able to set up the scanner without such a filtering?

    1. Laserschwert


      Depends on the scanner and the software you're using. Usually you can just disable any filtering in the scan settings.

  5. https://ia800909.us.archive.org/0/items/SLES00645_Covers_JPG/000 SLES-00645-Preview.jpg There are 4 JPGs included. https://archive.org/details/SLES00645_Manual_JPG There are 15 JPGs included.
  6. Is the site down? The link seems not to work any longer.
  7. Don't know where to ask this: Does anyone have the box art of the back of Fate of Atlantis without all the text as well as the sides of the box? I would like to use these as a reference for a book I am doing for personal use.
  8. Which versions are you looking for @Laserschwert ?
  9. Yes. By remake I meant the remake of the physical copies of these games.
  10. Since we are coming closer and closer to the cinema release of Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny I wonder if LRG uses the momentum of that movie and gifts us with the announcement of some remakes of our beloved Indiana Jones adventures. It has been strangely quiet on the adventure release front after the announcement of Zak McKracken. And the next game in line would be The Last Crusade. so I would at least expect that announcement to happen in the next weeks. And later maybe hopefully Fate of Atlantis as well. What do you think? Am I hopelessly hoping? It would make sense - at least to me…
  11. Maybe that WILL come. Those photos are not final.
  12. OK, that's a crap. I am from Germany. Probably same sh** then as it is in Europe as well.
  13. Well, shall we guess what comes NEXT? Just a hint: There is a potential blockbuster movie coming on June 30th. It's about a man with a hat a whip and a fancy leather jacket (which he may or may not sell).
  14. I bet they will release Zak next. And keep Indy 3 and Indy 4 releasing around Indy 5 release in the cinema. To use the momentum for larger sales. Regarding these Re-Releases: As much as I like them, they are just not the same as the originals. There is nothing comparable to keep the the original piece in your game collection.
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