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Samuel Dravis

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Everything posted by Samuel Dravis

  1. Darathy I am not pleased.

  2. tktktktktktktktktktktktktkktktktktktktktktktktk. <3

    it is late and I saw you here so.


  3. i don't know it seemed like a great idea at the time :D

  4. om nom nom nom chocolate inyri <3

  5. Vigorous Vacancies Viciously Violate Vain Venues!



    I will declare war on those who use the xp smiley if you would like me to alright

  7. hai anna you're the coolest

  8. This clearly follows, Pavlos. Devon has hit the nail upon its very head! Is there anything I could do for you before you go?

  9. Technically I see a bobicus too :D

  10. what would i blog about dev?

    devils? SO CLICHE.




  12. omgz FUU!


    ...ur-? :D

  13. hi pavlos. New forum looks pretty sweet eh?

  14. teeeeeeeeeeekay. I didn't know you were going to WEB 2.0 the entire site! thanks

  15. hey niner, i am probably going to spam people in this way, because it's hidden and secret and not obvious. K?

  16. what the hell is you devon i don't even know how to respond properly you know

  17. hi di, I'm barely functional but you're pretty awesome so i'll add you k

  18. hi bob you're awesome never forget

  19. hi jae ya you're my friend, it's true

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