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Status Updates posted by Sabretooth

  1. Fun fact:


    Your name translated in Hindi reads:

    Victory'Belligerent Hanging Bra

  2. Good Day My good friend,


    Let me start by introducing myself, I am Mr Karim Jack,an ACCOUNTS OFFICER with an African Bank in Burkina-Faso of West Africa. I am writing you this letter based on the latest development at my bank which I will like to bring to your personal edification,($9million transfer claims ).

    This is a legitimate transaction and you will be paid 30% for your "Assistance".If you are interested, kindly fill the below for the next step.


    full names:

    phone line:

    country of origin:



    marital status:


    your bank information


    account name:

    account type:

    account number:

    bank address and phone/fax:


    yours Sincerely

    Mr Karim Jack

  3. Good God, the first person other than myself and Darathy who got the reference. :D


    Sup, IGman?

  4. Good Morning, Sir The Doctor! Lovely day, isn't it? Yes it is, my brother. Would you be interested in joining, or supporting our glorious Divided Surrealo-Marxist Anarchy Liberation League, my brother? You may announce your decision here, yes: http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=193707&page=6


    Have a good day, my brother!

  5. Goodbye Malaysia, thou land auf Allah God's glory! :D




    Please don't burn my house my parents worked very hard to earn it :(

  6. Great Success! :D


    See if you can get your hands on Max Payne, I like that game better. :D

  7. Ha Ha


    I have an Alice avatar before you do


    Na na na na na

  8. Ha! Ha! I ninja'd out of class again! :p This time I escaped a revision lecture, so fear not for my educational future. :xp:


    Anywaiz, come onlain nao! NAO NAO NAO!

  9. Haha Bee everybody knows you're an great wise and sexy Shaolin Master from the 36th Dragon Temple Chamber of Shaolin.


    Oh wait you didn't tell them? >.<

  10. Have you ever come across a voiceless retroflex sibilant in your joyful jaunts through the realms of cryptic languages? If so, how is one pronounced? Or how are two pronounced, for that matter? It annoys me greatly because as a practitioner of languages using Devanagari, I am expected to be able to say it, and yet I cannot. Any assistance would be welcomed with open arms and legs.


    Yours congruently,

    Emperor of the High Seas


    P.S. Consider smuggling Amisulpride into your physiology as it makes mornings quite fresh, creative and inordinate.

  11. He is drowned in emotions

    He fades away from pain,

    And heart is beating in the rhythm of ocean,

    And soul is trying to forget her last mistake.

  12. Hello!

    Your name translated from Hindi reads:


    Watershed'Illness Belligerent

    ~ or ~

    Watershed'Mango Belligerent

  13. Here be thine linkage: http://imgcdn.pandora.tv/pan_img/KMP/Download/kmp.exe (old version)




    The KMPlayer is an awesomesauce player overfilled with features and plugins. You won't need one codec after installing this baby. :D

  14. Here he comes

    Here comes Sky Pamphlet

    He's a paper on wings

    He's a paper and he's gonna be flyin' after someone.



    Go Sky Pamphlet

    Go Sky Pamphlet

    Go Sky Pamphlet, Go!

  15. Hi, just thought I should tell you, it's WEIMAR Republic, not Wymore Republic. :)


    World peace and brotherhood,


  16. Hmm, I like her music better than her looks meself.


    Let's have some fun this beat is sick I wanna take a ride on your disco stick

  17. How about installing Skype on that laptop


    And in any case, you weren't on ages before that yours died, how should I trust you?

  18. How can BioWare Fanboy be a location?


    What is this I don't even



    And love. Lots of homoerotic love. Unless you're female. In which case I should escort myself out. With you.

  20. I can play pretty much anything and everything that can be classified as a video game. :p Role-playing, shooters, adventure games, even some racing. The only thing I haven't quite sunk my fingers into would be rhythm games, and that's mostly because there are so few of them available on the PC. I'd imagine shooters and RPGs qualify as my favourites, and I have a sweet spot for ultra-real FPS simulations like ArmA II or Operation Flashpoint.


    What about you?

  21. I checked out Bare Infinity today, they're pretty good. I wouldn't say they're the Nightwish of Greece or anything, but they're sweet. Here, take a video:

    (This BBCode requires its accompanying plugin to work properly.)

  22. I don't like C&H, but I love your avatar. Looks great and everytime you say something, I imagine it spoken by that maniacal guy with broken teeth. :D


    Would be great if he faced the other direction, IMO.

  23. I don't think you're of legal drinking age yet, so we'll have to make do with these!


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