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Mojo Updater
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Everything posted by Thrik

  1. Haha I feel like a lunatic scrutinising to this degree but I do think the first overexposed version above looks like a skull guy wearing a hat. It makes the most sense on a ghost ship anyway.
  2. The only problem is the front view is less supportive. ?? 😂
  3. Haha. Yeah I spotted that and wondered. It looks like it could be intentionally reduced in detail to make it ambiguous, however it could also just be someone wearing a hat. This is how my eye saw it at first:
  4. (Putting the CMI art in there made me further realise how good this new art actually is. The details are just so exquisite.)
  5. Christ alive! I’m glad I’m not into this game, because if I were I’d be paralysed by all these choices. Excellent detective work.
  6. Although it doesn’t carry the same sort of gravitas because CMI goes its own way, that has already been done. Apparently the dock on Blood Island is also the same one Guybrush can drown under on Melee. DEEP LORE. 😉
  7. Nice piece of fan art imagining ReMI Guybrush. 🙂
  8. It’s one thing to not be so keen on the art. Sure, that’s an opinion, life goes on. It’s the way they treat it almost like a campaign, like they’ll get what they want by just going on… and on… and on. You sometimes see this sort of thing manifest into review bombing, etc. I hate it. This is the art style. That ship has sailed. Enjoy the game or do not. But nobody really needs to be hearing ranting and raving about how it looks. It’s just poisonous and sad.
  9. It’s worth noting we get a pretty good look at Guybrush in a few circumstances: These really cemented an overall look in my mind for Guybrush, much like the cover art and close-ups did for SMI. Note that gold trim appears on the in-game sprite only. Regarding the concept, yeah that Guybrush does appear to be from the Special Edition concepts.
  10. I think today’s kids would just assume he’s based on phone shop salesmen. 😀
  11. God. I’d forgotten they were different colours. The bombshells just don’t stop.
  12. I am basing this on memory from a long time ago but I think the Jojo in EMI clarifies that his father was the one left on the totem and ended up dying there. I don’t think he was even named in SMI was he? So it’s just more daft EMI retconning.
  13. Seeing as we’re really getting into the weeds here, the colour of his jacket is another continuity error. 😀
  14. Haha. There is a pretty popular LucasArts Discord that a bunch of people on here use. There’s even a Mojo one somewhere I think. I like to keep to the BBS.
  15. While I appreciate the points you’re making, I think ultimately the answer to this is ‘no’. Like other controversial endings open to deep interpretation such as that of The Sopranos, there may forever be opposing views and a lack of clarification. Nobody should feel like they can’t interpret it or describe it however they want. Not on this forum of all forums, anyway.
  16. It’s compelling food for thought. I (very hurriedly) added a bit of colour to further the effect.
  17. This is superb. I’ll save these for the iPad later!
  18. This is a striking assertion. Are you basing this on your memory from 30 years ago or do you know a good resource for such contemporary reviews? Specifically, I mean. I don’t fancy trawling through massive magazine archives. I ask the question earnestly because I think I’d enjoy reading what people at the time thought of these games. I certainly enjoyed the Atari magazine scans we recently unearthed.
  19. Nice. The photos I found didn’t have much of this going on so I guess it rots away, perhaps.
  20. The only problem with hell being the secret is that it’s not really that secret. Sure, only the cannibals and Herman are around on the island (who knows all about it). But, somewhat foreshadowing Curse, the cannibals also say they used to have cruise ship tours on the island — and hell itself would surely be a prize destination.
  21. Do monkey ribs have that weird two-colour thing going on, with the brown/gold bits? I couldn’t find any examples in the 30 seconds I spent on Google, but then there are lots of types of simian.
  22. That whole sequence was quite inspired with the grog machine, music that sounds like the MI2 tunnels, etc.
  23. The secret is surely the incredible abilities of the monkeys. They can command a ship, play the piano, and who knows what else.
  24. I am pretty sure it’s the presence of a gigantic robotic monkey that’s the secret. If you look closely at the skeleton, it’s strangely metallic. Could it be operated, I wonder.
  25. And so the cycle of making the same discoveries and getting excited about them continues. Now, wait until I tell you guys about the deleted boot image I found on the floppy disks.
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